
Dev Blog: Wilderness 2 Thread is locked

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Posts: 1,840 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Looking pretty good, but was surprised by 2 things:

1. That the first Question was lumped rather than semi-broken down, but I guess you're probably right that most of those would pass anyways. However, maybe consider breaking it up a little bit?

2. New Staff Slayer Drop! Was very excited to see this being polled, however I'd have to agree with others that it seems to fall just short of that good mark (which probably came from the discussion involving people being against a staff that was so powerful and cheap as the polypore but wanting something like it).

~Feedback towards the New Staff~
- Cost: I think you guys got this part perfect, only suggestions here would be trying to include slightly different underused runes such as Body/Soul, but I can see how those might not 'fit' a combat spell.

- Attack Speed: I'd have to agree with bringing it up a notch to 2.4s Speed.

- Level 75 Max Damage(17): Feels like a good number if it has the boosted speed, if the speed remains the same then this number should go up a few points to 18/19.

- Level 99 Max Damage(22): This falls short of the money to me, with its current attack speed id expect a max around 34/35. If you were to boost its attack speed id expect a max around 27-30.

Finally, 3 questions over it if yous guys have a moment:

1. You stated: "Stat-boosts and stat-reduction effects would modify the max hit". Does this include prayer boosted stats or is it only including Visible Stat Changes?

2. You said it wouldn't work in PvP, what happens if you killing an NPC with it in the wild and a Pker attacks you? Would you be defenseless or will you get to retaliate with it?

3. What model is going to be used? Though it probably can't be done yet, wielding a Kraken Tenticle would be epic (Tenticle could be a Recoloured whip) :)

I'll probably comeback with more thoughts later :/

Thank you for your time and hard work OSRS Team!

17-Jan-2014 20:28:12



Posts: 492 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Staff is WAY underpowered. Those shields need some major nerfing too, nothing above +7 for the range version please, The Unholy (Zammy) Book should not be made obsolete. If the shields don't get nerfed, i'm definitely voting against the Wilderness changes. Hi Mod Ronan

17-Jan-2014 20:41:41



Posts: 552 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
whip is best melee weapon in game, dark bow is the best bow in game. why is not this new staff the best in game? you can easely hit 34 with claws of guthix. i cant quite see what you are thinking when you suggest a max hit of 22 then. if u do not wish to reduce its speed to 2,4 seconds and give it a max hit of 35-40 at 99 magic (similar to storm of armadyl) i suggest you give it a max hit of 50. this would still be bad comperad to whip which can do 55 at 2,4 seconds. please make magic usefull becouse atm its very bad to use pretty much everywhere beside rex. storm of armadyl made it possible to use magic elsewhere, please do the same here as well.

17-Jan-2014 20:44:24

May Member 2022


Posts: 963 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Question: Should we stop players from teleporting out of the KBD lair?

Or, make KBD lair an attackable area to player killers? > :)

Question: Should we add three new rune rocks to the Ice Plateau?

Yes, we need more Rune rocks in wilderness.

Question: Should we add the Fountain of Rune to the maze area in the far East of level 50 Wilderness?

I don't see this as a good idea, players will hide behind the walls and when they see a white dot on the map running to them, they'll simply log out.

Question: Once we have solved the issue of luring players into the Wilderness using the trade windows, should we remove the Wilderness Ditch?

No, I don't see the reason to remove the ditch or than to lure players.

Question: Should we add a dungeon of God Wars creatures to the Wilderness?

This sounds interesting, will this be a PvP enabled zone?

Question: Should a player be able to see how many times they have been killed in the Wilderness, how many players they have killed in the Wilderness and the ratio between them?

Yes, everyone loves kill/death logs.

Question: Should we replace red dragons with lava dragons in the Wilderness?

Yes, this will give new refreshing content that i'm sure will attract attention. New possible crafting gear with "lava hide"?

Question: Should we allow players to be able to attack other players in a single way combat area even if either are currently in combat with an NPC?

I'd like to say no because it's not technically single way combat if a player can also attack you. On the other hand it does get tedious if you're chasing someone and they let a monster auto attack them.

Question: Should we remove 10 worlds from the world list to boost activity on the other worlds?

I doubt we'll have that problem when the wilderness revamp is out - teams hopping worlds to find players to kill will give skillers no chance to get away sometimes with their loot.

17-Jan-2014 20:51:23

May Member 2022


Posts: 963 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Question: Should tradeable items become visible immediately to all players if their owner chooses to drop them on the ground in the Wilderness?

No, I've seen players that are fans of others dropping food to make their fight last longer and win, allowing loot(food) to appear instantly will give an unfair advantage.

Question: Should the cave kraken Slayer creature drop a new level 75 staff with a built-in spell for use against monsters, as described in the blog?

Yes, this concept sounds interesting.

Question: Should we increase the alch value of Bandos armour very slightly to make it protect on death over crystal equipment and Barrows equipment?

Yes, I think any item that has a high street value should be kept on death over anything else.

Question: Should we add a level 10 Agility shortcut to shorten the route from Varrock's west bank to the spirit tree?

That would be a nice feature.

Question: Should the run energy icon near the minimap toggle your Run Mode setting when you click it?

Yes, will be useful.

Question: Should the prayer points icon near the minimap allow you to select some 'quick prayers' and toggle them on and off when you click it?

Yes, another good feature.

Question: Should the health icon near the minimap allow you to cure poison or cure disease when you click it, provided you have suitable items in your inventory?

Yes, but only if they have the item provided to cure themselves, Anti potions/strange fruit etc.

Question: Should we increase the cool-down time on the minigame teleports to 1 hour?

I think the current time is fine as it is.

Question: Should the God Wars Dungeon altars give a message stating how long before you'll next be able to use them?


Question: If you are in a chat-channel when you log out, should you automatically attempt to re-join it on login?

I think I could say for everyone, yes, yes and yes.

17-Jan-2014 20:51:30

May Member 2022


Posts: 963 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Question: Should you have the option to pay some Slayer points to unlock mithril dragons as a new task from Duradel and Nieve?

Yes, and maybe an option to pay to remove them again(for a point price) - for when you get sick of them

Question: Should you have the option to pay some Slayer points to unlock aviansies as a new task from Duradel, Chaeldar and Nieve?

Yes, as above.

Question: Should we add new channels to the minigame grouping panel for finding Black Arm / Phoenix Gang members, finding God Wars Dungeon parties and finding Waterbirth Island parties? These channels would not have teleports associated with them.

Yes, just as long as it clearly shows sub categories to determine which are minigames and looking for player activties.

Question: Should we add loot broadcasts to the Kalphite Queen, the King Black Dragon, the Dagannoth Kings and the Chaos Elemental?

Yes that would great

Question: Should watered saplings have a (w) appended to their names?


Question: Should the Total Level box on the stats interface have a tooltip that shows your total XP?

Would be a nice feature

Question: Should we add 24 more bank spaces to everyone's bank?

With the upcoming new items and castle wars gear, yes.

17-Jan-2014 20:51:40

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 6,597 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
New staff looks pretty cool, kinda weak though.

A friend of mine wanted to see the charges come from revenants, maybe they could drop a special upgrade charge that makes the staff hit harder? They still haven't had their drops determined after all!

I'm also concerned that the shields and dpick would not be enough to make the bosses worth doing in the long term and they'd just end up like the chaos elemental. Is there going to be any discussion about what kind of common/non unique drops they'll have, have they even been decided upon yet?

17-Jan-2014 20:56:11



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
new magic weapon is very bad. please make it as good as whip is hitting 50s at 2,4 second speed. i miss the poll questions regarding black mask giving 15% to magic damage as well? unfair that only range and melee get damage boost. maybe see a balance on that matter with the void set as well? and i would like to see the special attack bar orb being polled with the ability to click on it to activate it.

17-Jan-2014 21:00:15

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