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Treasure Hunter keys expire 12 months after purchase.
I do encourage you to check the screenshots I included on the previous page, as well as to browse through Mod Osborne's posts on Reddit -- and watch the livestream if you have not already, though I am getting the impression you have -- to get a sense of why I have written my posts the way I have. If you continue to interpret things differently then that is obviously perfectly fine.
Thanks for your posts!
Correct me if I am wrong please. I saw 2 screen shots from Elite Stacks but not you. If these were the screenshots you meant then read them again carefully. Osborne (1) did not promise anything he said "IF" and (2) what he tried to see that they could "pull back" something like TH and he told the users to get that from the Live Stream.
What it turned out from the Live Stream was Osborne apparently said the "pull back" was a week of no TH promotion, which we are getting as of this second. So TH is being pulled back with a no promotion week. Pretty clear to me and again please read the important word "IF" before Osborne went on to the "pull back" part. It was not any promise to begin with.
No one in this thread has claimed that Mod Osborne's statements were promises. You seem to have severe difficulty following the conversation and staying on topic. Either that or you're deliberately misconstruing posts.
Either way, try reading more carefully and post a reply that's actually relevant instead of posting nonsensical platitudes about how jagex getting more money is always a good thing no matter how much damage is done to the game in the process.
OP clearly said Jagex lied but did not provide any evidence on RECENT UPDATE that Jagex lied. Please stay on topic and don't deliberately misconstruct posts.
05-Jul-2018 15:34:23