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Oooh. This is a very interesting thread indeed. So much constructive feedback from the majority of people who have responded thus far.
Firstly, Mexk I wanted to thank you for the time taken to write this post as well thought out criticism helps others to look at the facts and try to remove the intense emotion (as is frequently found on reddit) from the conversation.
Secondly I agree that transparency is something that is greatly supported by
player-base. In fact a game that listens to community suggestions often prospers. If we love the games we play im sure I am not along in saying that I am more inclined to spend my money on them. With this in mind it is easy to see why Jagex chose to emulate Epics Fortnite in terms of the
RUNEpass. The quote from your post below is of particular importance (to me at least) in that it highlights a sentiment echoed by the majority of gamers...
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In general, please figure out what you actually want to sell and then work with us to find an acceptable balance between profitability and non-intrusive, non-destructive content. RunePass could very well be the key to achieving this, but you absolutely need to take on
actually implement
it. Communicate, communicate, and communicate.
You can do better, and we are willing to help.
So just wanted to chip in and say that I would very much welcome HONEST dialogue both on these very forums, but also in the realm of reddit on these matters. They may be harsh, but often true - there are many players there too, and the majority of the posts at the moment (constructive on the whole) are going unanswered by J-mods.
Please don't allow this marvelous game be consigned to the dustbin of history!
Osborne did the communication part through Stream. Just some players got misdirected to "promise" he did not make
05-Jul-2018 01:03:55
- Last edited on
05-Jul-2018 01:04:37