The only free games are ones you make yourself in your backyard and don't use store bought items. Micro payments for online content is the name of the online world just look at any website's bottom line, they have to pay for the power and the computers first then the people then any upgrades. So if the membership fees can't pay for this game they will have to make it up somewhere.
You demand great stuff then complain you have to pay for it. This is not a free game like picking up leaves in your back yard. It costs money and I really don't want the membership fees to go up. I buy stuff off the TH and I buy bonds too. I don't use the bonds on the TH I use them for in game gp and to help clan mates play the game. I am not spending money on the pixel fashions, but I know people that love that bit of the game play, so to each their own way of spending money on content.
In the real world you could just lay out under a pile of leaves for free, but most people like houses. If your door breaks, you end up spending cash or time to fix it, so owning a house is just one micro transaction after another as things break. The game does not live in a free to use world, so we as players have to pay somehow, be it no ads or ads.
Thanks Jagex for the post, I like the game I have played it since 2005, and will play it as long as it is offered.
06-Nov-2017 10:55:15