A Mighty
Read this a while ago, just wanted to say nice job! I especially liked all the theories
Would you mind telling us your convoluted timeline that leads to the Strange Machine being built by Zamorakians?
Every time I think about the Device Under Pollnivneach, the more I change how I think about it. It's just so bizarre: Neither the strange writing nor the technology resembles anything else in the game. The writing appears to have come much after the machine was originally built. There is a disk that a person
have been chained to, and there are slayer monsters in there, and have had to have been there since the time Catolax lived - the Mid Third Age.
So, here are my
1. The Original Machine was built by Menaphites. This includes the crystals, but not the writing. My reasoning is bad: it looks Menaphite-colored. Like a pyramid.
2. Whatever was at Pollnivneach was leveled at the end of the Second Age.
3. The Machine was discovered by Zarosians during the God Wars, and used to create monsters for Azzanadra's Army. Fareed dug tunnels in order to try and negate the bottleneck around the Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon.
4. The writing comes from Zarosians who were attempting to modify the machine in order to make those monsters and the smoke.
5. When the Zamorakians got in, they broke the machine. They were promptly driven out by Saradominists or Menaphites.
Like I said, it's convoluted, I don't have evidence, and I have no idea what the machine is actually supposed to do.
^ "Some of those words were
I noticed the crystals of Strange Machinery look strikingly similar to those found in the lowest level of the Haunted Mine, except less vibrant and spiny. Could these be of similar origin?
EDIT: Looks very interesting so far (page 1), nice memory refreshing. Can't help but be extremely annoyed by the occasional random words' beginning with a capital letter. E.g. gods and desert (before the area was known as the Desert, of course
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik
28-Aug-2016 13:14:37
- Last edited on
28-Aug-2016 13:17:48
Lord Drakan
Original message details are unavailable.
The only other thing we know about life in this kingdom was that honour and shame were the centerpieces of one’s life. If one were to suffer a great dishonour, he or she would gladly accept a grisly death.
While this sounds perfectly acceptable, do you have any sources for this?
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Ullek may have been sacked and broken, but Menaphos still stood untouched, and you know what, at least there’s that.
This has always confused me - when the heck was Menaphos founded? We know that refugees from Ullek (so this is the last few centuries of the God Wars) fled to Sophanem, which was a small village at the time. Reasonable to assume, then, that Menaphos was of comparable size as well - or at least not
bigger. And yet other sources refer to its existence as early as the Second Age. Which, too, makes sense, given how the collective demonym for all of the empire's people derives from that city's name. Is it possible that Menaphos was (partially) destroyed during Balfrug's campaign at some point, and then rebuilt? What's your take on this?
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By the end of the Third Age, there were five or six cities in the entire world still standing. The Menaphites had three of them.
Let's see - Sophanem and Menaphos, if they can be counted as cities, not quite sure what the third would be, though. Nardah? Then, Prifddinas, Saranthium, the Sanguinesti (maybe Mort'ton?), Ghorrock (for what it's worth), Keldagrim and I reckon Gu'tanoth had been established by then-ish. As for islands, Entrana had probably survived reasonably well.
Original message details are unavailable.
However, in dealing with Scabaras, it is shown that Amascut mind-controlled the High Priest of Scabaras.
I highly doubt that's the same high priest as during the Fourth Age. As far as I am aware, her manipulations of the high priest we meet during the quest resulted in the Scabarites' tunnelling underneath Sophanem. Could be wrong, of course, but are Scabarites this long-lived?
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
And, naturally, I'm still confused as to why Al Kharid has a Sultan at the same time as an Emir, its ruler. In fact, it's had at least two Sultans in the Fifth Age, which is plain weird.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
EDIT: Looks very interesting so far (page 1), nice memory refreshing. Can't help but be extremely annoyed by the occasional random words' beginning with a capital letter. E.g. gods and desert (before the area was known as the Desert, of course
It's a bad habit.
As for your other post...
1) Senliten makes a note about it with her servant from Missing My Mummy.
2) I believe a JMod once said that Menaphos was founded way back in the first age! But JMod gossip aside, Menaphos was at least founded in the second age, but there would be an excellent reason to at least found a village on its spot, it's a very good place for settlement. I personally believe that Sophanem grew up much slower than Menaphos and was made up primarily of people who didn't fit into Menaphos (similar to the Pera colony in Istanbul). I find it unlikely that Menaphos was destroyed, as they would've had much time to prepare after Balfrug's campaign against Ullek, and they could've called in reinforcement from their Saradominist Allies anyways. That's not to mention to environmental effects of the Desert that could bog down Balfrug's whole campaign.
3) I don't count Ghorrock, and as far as I was aware, Sanguinesti was just a region of small settlements. My count was Menaphos, Sophanem, Nardah, Meiyerditch, Prifddinas, Saranthium. Although you are right, Keldagrim should count (as well as the Gnomish Undercity), and so should Gu'Tanoth.
4) My understanding is that Amascut only started mind-controlling the high priest recently, which is why they didn't attack Sophanem until very very recently. I feel that it may have been a response to our continued meddling in her plans. You can see in the Scabarite Notes that there's a time jump in the notes to the present day.
5) They didn't have a sultan. This was either retconned, or my favorite: Misthalinians didn't know the difference and interchanged the term.
^ "Some of those words were
What has Misthalin got to do with it, though? The Great Carpet Crash exhibit is in the Emir's palace itself, and it can't have been a retcon, since the Emir has always been the polis's leader. And Ali Morrisane claims that the Sultan desires to order clothes for him, but given Ali M's reputation, this may be far from the truth. I initially thought that perhaps the Sultan served as a sort of "vice Emir", which would be perfectly plausible in a game, but then he would've had a role in Stolen Hearts as Shah's replacement, which didn't happen. I guess the poor Sultans have just been shoved to the background.
First of all, I'm very glad you dedicated plenty a paragraph to the subjects of Senliten's line and Simon Templeton.
To start with the former, the most widely accepted theory is indeed that Leela and Osman are Senliten's descendants. There is also the similarity in names between Osman and Prince Osmumten, which, on one hand, could be complete coincidence as the names are quite common, but on the other hand, I don't think the developers would drop a red herring like that on purpose, but that's meta-reasoning. The most compelling argument, I would say, is the mutual interest between Leela and Senliten and of course the former's being unafflicted by the Pharaoh Queen's curse. Unlike Ali M's men. I hope the line of Senliten becomes a major thing.
On to Simon, he's always been one of the more interesting characters in the desert. Exiled from Sophanem for plundering both Jalsavrah and the Temple of the Lesser Gods, he's definitely more than just a rogue treasure hunter. He is an expert when it comes to valuable (or worthless) artefacts and has even had employees working for him (Tarik). But the most interesting mystery, of course, is his client. It could be anyone at this point: Ali M or his associatives, perhaps the Spymaster herself, or even the Devourer. I think we just don't have quite enough information to speculate on this front, but I'm certain we haven't seen the last of Templeton.
I also wonder to which degree Amascut is in control of Menaphos. Certainly, she has agents within. Most notable, 'Ambassador' Jabari, but Apep and Heru were also apparently mercenaries from Menaphos. The most influential figures are probably the Pharaoh and our good friend Coenus, Captain of the Guard. I suspect the Pharaoh is either forced into Amascut's service or outright under her mind control, while Coenus is just a thrall of the Pharaoh and not necessarily a victim of the Devourer, however nasty he might be.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
I can say almost for certain that Amascut's interests in Menaphos lie solely in the person of the Pharaoh and his influence over the desert. Recall that the progressive young Pharaoh worked with the Emir (probably Shah) to settle hostilities with the help of the Lesser gods, until Amascut intervened - I suspect it was at this point that she set her eyes on Menaphos, and the Pharaoh specifically. I doubt the rest of the city's affairs (e.g. the ongoing slave revolt in the port and slums) bother her too much, and after all a façade of, well, a non-totalitarian Devourer-controlled regime must be maintained (this is increasingly faltering). And in spite of Amascut's curse that prevents her from having true followers like Neite & co used to be, there is Lapalok. I wonder if he is truly relevant or just a crazy person in the background. I also wonder if Ali Cat used to be human as well, cursed to felinity by the Devourer. He can't have been one of her priestesses on account of being, well, male, but I suspect he's not just a random helpful alley cat.
Totally irrelevant: I wonder if Captain Siad is related to anything at all or simply a random jerk.
What's next? Whatever happened to Scabaras. Exiled or banished by Amascut some centuries ago, yes, but I think he's on the return. Most indicative of this is Amascut's comment during Diamond in the Rough that "that beetle-brained fool" attempted to prevent her acquisition of the Kharid-ib by having a kalphite steal it. More recently, we also restored the sanity of his high priest and won the potential allegiance of the Scabarites in the conflict. This, I reckon, may prove of vital importance, what think you?
The Pollnivneach machinery is of course a recent addition to the desert, development-wise, but all the more mysterious nonetheless. A JMod, I think even Mark, has stated there were plans for it, but this was quite a while ago. I once had a theory that it served the Stern Judges as a makeshift ritual marker back
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.