Wanted to touch on the kittens once more. We see the kittens, obviously a coping mechanism. The other pirates at the end of the quest say they saw swimming horrors. Yet the player doesn't. Could it be possible that we were speaking with the horrors which we perceived as kittens? Hell, when we telepathically learn Wilsons name he smiles at us and says "meow."
The significance of the kittens could be important. The only Lovecraft story I can recall is the Cats of Ulthar (close in spelling to Ulthven Kreath) but that story has little to do with cosmic deities and more to do with a cat killing couple and an orphan whos only friend is his cat and the couple capture and kill it to which he places a curse on them and the next day all the cats of the town eat the couple.
Speaking of Ulthven Kreath, it is possible that that was the name of the cursed Archipelago and not just the temple. Meaning if the Dragonkin razed it...they made an entire archipelago sink (likely causing the eastern tidal waves mentioned in death at sea that the glory of zaros was sent to inspect). What could they have possibly done to cause such destruction?
Finally, the chest Madame Shih takes off with a chest at the end of Pieces of Hate. My first reaction is this was the same chest Jack had jumped into the sea with in Rocking out. Are we ever told what was in it?
I have seen the dark universe yawning, where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.
23-Mar-2018 17:47:47