1, unless we get rid of Uni as a general permanently for continuing to powergrab and generally make the FC a worse place to be. If that were to happen I would be vaguely open to 2, but even then a no general system seems safer, to stop people from attempting to power trip and do pretty much exactly what Uni's been doing - backstabbing, talking nasty, bribing, trying to set people in (in a freaking VIDEO GAME) and abusing power (again in a freaking VIDEO GAME).
I'm tired of the drama and I'm tired of the mud being flung around by him in particular, and simply ending it is easier than having to go through more drama with him.
So my final vote is Option 1.
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan
18-Mar-2016 03:44:30