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1. I can only speculate on your first point - I didn't work on Hero's Welcome at all, so I'm not sure why Mod Osborne or Wilson chose these skill requirements.
Certainly we've been listening to feedback that there was too much focus on Novice and Grandmaster for a time, and I'm sure that was taken into account in the difficulty classification of Dishonour Among Thieves and Hero's Welcome.
I do know that the difficulty classification rules list certain skills as being easier or harder to level than others, and that this is reflected in the range of levels appropriate for that skill's quest difficulty. So it's not quite as simple as like-for-like skill level comparison.
2. Again, that's not information I have access to. Quests and other projects for next year are being planned, but it's not yet filtered down to us devs. I'm looking forward to RuneFest, when we'll hopefully get to find out what we'll be working on in the new year.
I'm sure it's being taken into account that some gods have had more screentime than others. I'm therefore not expecting DoC2 any time soon, since that gave Saradomin some time in the spotlight.
I'd imagine quest polls and RuneLabs popularity is helping to influence the priority of certain quests, though, so keep supporting your favourites, and hopefully that'll help boost their priority.
Questions addressing skill requirements and quest schedule.
07-Jul-2015 13:16:15