I personally think that it was fair that Azzanadra is written to be repulsed by Moia being a hybrid, as it adds character development.
Some time ago, it was all Zarosian Mahjarrat being nice and friendly while Zamorakian Mahjarrat being evil villain-jerks. Now we get to see some niceness and jerkiness on both sides. On the Zamorakian side, Zemouregal and Lucien saw Moia as a lowly half-breed, it is fair to see that on the Zarosian side Azzanadra thought of the same.
I absolutely agree that Moia does not deserve being threatened, ridiculed, and insulted for being a hybrid, but Azzanadra's reaction wasn't completely unfounded.
It has been mentioned many times in this thread, but how many of us who's currently discussing this would be completely comfortable to the of a human/non-human hybrid walking around claiming to be the future of our race, even if the said hybrid is just as capable or even more capable than a pure human being?
Regarding the differences between the two races, for example, chimpanzee and human share about 99% of genes, but most people still wouldn't think that the differences are small enough for the crossbreeding of both species to not be bestiality.
Regarding if Azzanadra actually think humans as lesser than Mahjarrat, I think that it is very possible. Humans are in fact weaker than Mahjarrat in many aspects. However, out of all the races in Runescape, the power disparity between the strongest(World Guardian, Nomad, etc) and the average(lvl 3 man/woman) humans seems to be the greatest. Hence he may not consider all humans to be inferior to Mahjarrat. Maybe that was why Bilrach stated that he has always taught Moia to be more than Mahjarrat, because some humans can be incredibly strong.
22-Dec-2016 20:20:34