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Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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¤ The
Guardians of Armadyl
are an ancient organisation of devout warriors charged by Armadyl to protect the Staff of Armadyl, which was formerly being safekept by the aviantese. The staff was taken from its unguarded temple in the Second Age and played a key role in Zamorak's rebellion against Zaros, after which Armadyl took it and stored it in the Temple of Ikov.

It remained there for many centuries until the godhood-desiring Mahjarrat Lucien managed to obtain it in 5.169. The Guardians, represented by their marshal Idria, joined an alliance with the Temple Knights and Crux Eqal to stop Lucien after an unsuccessful assassination attempt by the (M)ahjarrat's mercenaries. Idria and the Guardians came to the rescue of an adventurer in their service in the Ancient Guthix Temple, fighting the tormented demons Lucien had left behind.

Later, some Guardians, including Idria, arrived to the Mahjarrat Ritual Site when Sir Tiffy Cashien requested backup through his commorb. They fought Lucien's ice titans and ice demons but all Guardians minus Idria were slain. As more Mahjarrat began to arrive, Idria duelled Hazeel during the ritual and later fought Lucien. When the Dragonkin arrived, Idria attempted to reason with them but was incinerated, ending the Guardians' involvement in the Mahjarrat affair.

The Guardians wear sturdy, light brown armour with dark blue undergarments and use a staff donning the symbol of Armadyl in battle. A known Guardian is Armacus. In terms of beliefs, they are split into two factions: Corporealists, who believe Armadyl has been on Gielinor even since the God Wars ended, mourning the fallen aviantese; and the Incorporealists, who think he left the planet.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:16:46 - Last edited on 04-Sep-2014 19:28:20 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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¤ The
Holy Order of Paladins
are a subdivision of the Royal Army of Ardougne and consist of Saradominist paladins. They are mainly found roaming the East Ardougne market and protecting the king's castle, although three - Sir Jerro, Sir Carl and Sir Harry - have infiltrated the Underground Pass and died there at an adventurer's hands who unfortunately needed to kill innocents to proceed. During the Ardougne Revolution, they fought for King Lathas, believing he has the divine right to rule regardless of his actions, with Sir Hugo acting as the king's bodyguard.

* The
Khazard Army
is the personal army of the Mahjarrat General Khazard. The army consists primarily of warriors using spears, battleaxes and maces, although there are archers and wizards as well. The soldiers can be found in and around Khazard's Fight Arena. They wear grey armour with white trims, prominently donning Khazard's skull symbol. A contingent of troopers is stationed between West Ardougne and the River Dougne, fighting the gnomes of the Tree Gnome Village in a war that has lasted some two hundred years. A squad of elite guards were tasked with the protection of Movario's underground base. Also, Khazard took a battalion of soldiers with him to the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation, but they were all defeated by the Temple Knights.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:18:06 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 09:35:41 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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¤ The
, often called the Black Knights in Falador, are a Zamorakian knight order based in Asgarnia. Founded around the beginning of the Fifth Age, they, along with the White Knights, aided King Raddallin when he united the tribes of Asgarnia and founded the kingdom around 5.8. They would live in Falador, a rapidly expanding village that became the nation's capital. However, the huge anti-Zamorakian sentiment following the Wizards' Tower's destruction in 70 led to their expulsion from the white city. Their aid in the foundation of Asgarnia were recognised, however, and the Kinshra were allowed to stay in a large castle near Ice Mountain, the fortified mansion of the order's founder, to protect Asgarnia from threats from the Wilderness. With the years, however, the old rivalry with the White Knights increased, not least due to some of the Kinshra's leaders being radical extremists. In 162 and 163, King Vallance of Asgarnia fell ill and became too old to rule, at which point the leader of the White Knights, Sir Amik Varze, took over the ruling of the nation. Seizing the opportunity, the declared that the Kinshra were to have no more political power after the heinous Edgeville Incident, to which Lord Milton declared war on the White Knights. The two forced met north of Falador, but the battle ended in a stalemate and both armies retreated. Milton was killed on the orders of Commander Sulla, who became the new Lord of the Kinshra. Violent, cruel and sadistic, he had been responsible for many Kinshra raids in Asgarnia under Lord Shadwell. Lord Sulla plunged Asgarnia into a gruesome war that culminated in the Siege of Falador, but he was defeated and went into exile, being succeeded by the charismatic and popular Lord Daquarius.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:18:29 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 09:35:57 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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The Kinshra and the White Knights would meet one another on the battlefield once more during the Dawn Ascent operation, and later in 6.1 at the Battle of Lumbridge. In 5.169, they had tried to conquer Falador with the help of the wizard Melville Grayzag, but were betrayed by him and joined an alliance with the White, Void and Temple Knights to stop him. That same year, they allied with the Renegade Knights who took over Camelot, but these were stopped. The Kinshra also supplied a bulk of their elite forces to the leader of the Dagon'hai, who was working for Lucien while he sought the Stone of Jas. A few months later, the Kinshra sought to obtain the Wand of Resurrection but were betrayed by the witch they had hired to help, Lens(ig). Apart from the large fortress near Ice Mountain, the Kinshra own a large base in Taverley Dungeon, where the Lord Daquarius now resides. Traditionally, the Kinshra only had warriors, with misogynistic leaders such as Captain Dulcin forbidding women to join the order, but Lord Daquarius now has women, archers and mages in the order as well. The knights are ruled by the Lord of the Kinshra, who has a signet ring to show his status. The current Lord is Daquarius Renna(r)d, who succeeded Lord Sulla in Wintumber 5.164. Sulla had ruled a few months only after having his predecessor assassinated - this was Lord Milton, who had succeeded Lord Shadwell, who was killed at the Edgeville Incident, in 163. The rank under Lord is Commander; only Colby is known to have this rank. Next are the Captains, such as Gilroy. From 5.165 to 6.1, the Kinshra Fortress was overseen by the cruel Captain Dulcin, a relative of Shadwell's. Answering the Captains are the Lieutenants, such as York and Graves. Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:18:44 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 09:36:22 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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Finally, there are the regular knights, such as Ajjat (formerly), Gaius and Iban (formerly). The Kinshra also make use of slaves, although this is mainly practised by extremists such as Sulla and Dulcin. The latter has their tongues cut out, even. It was also him who designed the prison of the Kinshra fortress; located beneath the knights' eating hall, which has holes in the floor, allowing the eating knights to torment the prisoners by throwing scraps into the prison. There was a slave rebellion once, led by the druid Spart(rix}, but it was easily dealt with. There are also non-knight guards protecting the fortress. Other associates of the Kinshra include Ali Tist (formerly), Lens(i}g (formerly), Hi{er}ophant Marius, Melville Grayzag (formerly), Solus Dellagar (formerly), Surok Magis (formerly), Morgan Le Faye (formerly), Lucien (formerly) and Thorbarkin (formerly). Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:19:03 - Last edited on 16-Aug-2014 18:18:20 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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¤ The
Knight Order Alliance of 169
was an alliance of Black, Temple, Void and White Knights made in 169 in a joint effort to stop the megalomaniac wizard Melville Grayzag, who posed a danger to all of the orders. Its leader was an adventurer who was involved with all four orders, as well as the leaders of the orders themselves: Lord Daquarius of the Kinshra, Sir Tiffy Cashien representing Sir Vey Lance of the Temple Knights, Commodore Tyr of the Void Knights and the absent Sir Amik Varze of the White Knights. The knights helped in the battle against the Pest Queen in Valluta's domain and successfully defeated Grayzag, with the adventurer deciding his fate. After this, the alliance was broken.

¤ The
Lumbridge Guardsmen
are the primary police force of the duchy of Lumbridge. Originally, they were farmers who united to protect the town from threats such as goblins (or, in the Sixth Age, the Kinshra and White Knights fighting on the battlefield). The guardsmen are funded by Duke Horacio's treasury. Known guardsmen in the castle are Brawn, Dante, Peale, DeShawn and Pazel and their superior Sergeant Abram.

¤ The
Menaphite Guard
are the primary police force of the desert city Menaphos. They don traditional, crimson Menaphite gear and use large bows in battle. Their captain and chief gatekeeper Coenus has the same uniform, but blue. Since the plague breakout in Sophanem, they are responsible for keeping Menaphos barricaded, making sure there is no contact with the Sophanites and have begun wearing face masks even though the disease is not contagious.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:20:17 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 09:36:41 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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In 5.169, the Menaphite Guard had to cope with slave riots in Menaphos, a result of the slaves' discovery that the slaves in the plague-stricken Sophanem no longer had to work. Coenus managed to end the revolt in the imperial and merchant quarters quickly and brutally, but riots persist in the slums and the port district. The High Priest of Icthlarin in Sophanem calls the Menaphite Guard "cold-blooded thugs" but nevertheless his brethren.

The Myreque
are a secret resistance movement in Morytania, aiming to liberate the people in Meiyerditch and to bring down the vampyre regime. Their leader is the elusive Calsidiu, to whom several lieutenants report, such as Veliaf Hurtz and Safalaan Hallow. There is a Myreque division hidden beneath Meiyerditch, and one beneath Burgh de Rott, formerly in The Hollows. Recently, Lord Drakan tasked Vanstrom Klause with hunting the organisation down as they grew in power. The symbol of the Myreque is a silver sickle. The order is said to have been founded when Safalaan managed to escape the Meiyerditch ghetto and formed a resistance with others. In 5.169, the Myreque obtained new weapons to fight the vampyres, including the Ivandis flail that could harm the vyrewatch.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:20:25 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 09:36:59 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

Posts: 7,043 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They also discovered the secret of haemalchemy and defeated Vanstrom Klause in Darkmeyer. It appears that Vanescula Drakan herself is an ally of the Myreque in her interest in Safalaan, although her motives are unclear. She did, however, slay her brother Ranis. Known Myreque members of Veliaf's division are Ivan Strom, Pol{m}afi Ferdygris, Radigad P_o*nfit and formerly Sani Piliu and Harold Evans, who were killed by Vanstrom. Safalaan's division includes Vertida Sefalatis, Mekritus A'hara, Flaygian Screwte, Kael Forshaw and formerly Andiess Juip, who was slain by the vyrewatch. Other Myreque members and associates include the Old Man Ral, Hereward, Harold, Mauritys Guile, Cyreg Paddlehorn, Curpile Fyod, Kendrick, Tam, Ben Strainge and Karnac. Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:21:00 - Last edited on 04-Oct-2014 18:03:24 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

Posts: 7,043 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¤ The
Order of Ascension
is an organisation founded by the Guardian of Guthix Ocellus in the Fourth Age. He saw that the humans' worship of gods clashed with Guthix' ideals and therefore united a group of humans in order to teach them freedom. However, they soon began worshipping him, much to his dismay. He made use of his new followers by ordering them to bring more humans, whom he hid in an underground cave complex in the Feldip Hills. He bred them and neutered those who would worship. The third generation proved disastrous and he liquefied them all, starting anew. Ocellus realised the social order would lead to worship and decided to breed strong and powerful humans, who would have no need for a leader. The plan succeeded, but once he left the caves after fourteen generations, he found they had build a chapel for Guthix when he came back. He punished them, explained their error and demolished the chapel, expecting to further trouble. He sent his followers to steal some of the Tears of Guthix when Juna stopped supporting his plan and combined them with runestones to create a crystalline substance. He used it to train the humans, turning them into powerful and fast combatants. In 1620, they once again built a chapel, this time worshipping Ocellus again. He liquefied the worshippers, punished the others and destroyed the chapel again. In 1743, Ocellus used the crystals to create the gladii, soldiers with powerful short range attacks who could also charge at their enemies. By 1810, he had created an army of "ascendant" humans, or rather human-crystal hybrids, some obedient, some fractious. The latter humans appointed their own leaders, who became too powerful. In 1890, Ocellus bound their minds together, creating the Legiones.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

16-Aug-2014 15:21:15 - Last edited on 17-Aug-2014 09:37:23 by Lord Drakan

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