Saradomin is arrogant!
Another argument I hear a lot of the time, and this one is admittedly quite understandable. Saradomin does have a habit of acting like he knows better than everyone else and his way is the right way of doing things. It would be accurate to say that Saradomin is prideful and egotistical, but it would not be quite accurate to say that Saradomin is arrogant. Arrogance implies that someone has an inflated opinion of themselves; that they think they’re so important when they really aren’t. Saradomin, however, has legitimate reasons for believing he knows best.
“Understand. I do not say this out of arrogance. I have lived millennia, and in that time I have seen countless governments rise and fall. There is a pattern to the ascendance and collapse of civilisation. A cycle of tragedy. I have the knowledge to break this cycle, and most importantly the will to lead everyone forwards. Is it wrong to use this knowledge?”
Saradomin has a vast amount of practical experience, far more than any mortal human could ever begin to rival. His philosophy is not just an idea; it is something that he has already proven to work, and he has had the opportunity to witness the failure of many alternatives. Saradomin does not believe his philosophy will bring peace and prosperity to the world. He knows it will, because it has done so before. This is backed up by the word of not only Saradomin himself, but others as well.
“I created magisters… priests and teachers who were to act as my authority where I could not. They were learned individuals whom I would personally instruct on what lessons to teach others. I created twelve in total, each tasked with governing a different part of the world, and each given a mandate to improve humanity in line with my teachings. With the magisters in place, my people prospered, and entered a glorious age of enlightenment.”
Skystone Jexel
, Supreme Warden of
The Skystone Order
The sword of the righteous and the shield of the defenseless.