
Myreque VI+ - what we know

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06-Apr-2016 02:18:54

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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At last – my review of River of Blood, the final quest in what was my favourite unfinished quest series: the Myreque. Overall, it turned out to be a very enjoyable quest, with some fantastic segments and revelations. That said, I am unsure whether it's a satisfactory finale , largely because I found the quest lacking in length and difficulty, especially the former. Obviously, spoiler alert. Don't read if you haven't completed the quest. Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:23:11 - Last edited on 08-May-2016 14:35:31 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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To dive right into it, I'll open with my most prominent criticism about the quest. One that was completely out of the hands of the development team, I must add: the amount of development time. This was approximately three months, allocated to a SCRUM team, and, in total, slightly less than The Lord of Vampyrium had, apparently. Now, I've been told that three months for one quest by one team is a lot of time but as much as I would like to believe that, it is very evident from this quest that this is simply not true. This is a grandmaster quest, a finale and a Myreque quest; every one of those points would warrant additional development time on top of the 'standard'. No matter how talented a developer or designer is, a quest of *this* magnitude simply cannot be done justice with such little time, and this became apparent while playing the quest.

In total, it took me some three or four hours to complete. That's without using tel*ports, without running and going back and forth between characters to find as much hidden bonus dialogue as possible (and I was pleased to see there was quite a bit of it!). More than fine for almost any quest, but in the case of the Myreque series' grandmaster finale, I was quite disappointed. When it was clear the quest was about to end after the second standoff at the Salve, I couldn't help but think 'Wait, this is it? Surely not? We're just getting started!' Even as King Roald gave me my reward, I silently hoped the anti-Edicts conspirators would storm the palace and the quest would continue. Alas. While I was very satisfied with what the quest had provided up to that point, I was nevertheless disappointed at the limited amount of...stuff the quest contained. The developers themselves mentioned various plot elements that they would have liked to include but were scrapped due to time constraints.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:23:26

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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Of course, such would have been the case with any arbitrarily large, finite amount of development time, but in this case, when the developers have to scrap so many ideas for a quest like this because there isn't enough time, it's blatantly obvious that whoever allocates resources to projects is doing something wrong. While River of Blood did a thorough job of tying up loose ends and doing justice to its prequels, it still wasn't enough simply due to the sheer narrative magnitude of the Myreque series. I'd like to think it would have come very close indeed to beating The Chosen Commander as the best series finale had it been longer and, well, *more*, but alas, this was not to be.

Before I move on to the quest itself, let me discuss some other things. First of all, the post-quest content was really nice. Lots of dialogue, and the Burgh de Rott-ians returned; a small victory after all. And of course: Meiyerditch has been more or less liberated and the Vyrewatch have ceased their violent tithings. It's a shame we couldn't make more Super Guthix Balance (Extreme would require wyrd blood, so that's not an option, but there's no reason we couldn't make sil*thril bars ourselves); I had expected that to be a post-quest reward that would give greater rewards when used on vampyres as soon as it was introduced in the quest. Or perhaps using refined daeyalt to make an improved Serum 208. Ah well.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:23:37

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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I was, however, disappointed that everything you interact with had the interaction as a left-click. I'd honestly hoped for Tytn-esque gameplay in which objects/scenery have a left-click investigate/look-at option that gives an elaborate description, whereas the right-click would be search/open/etc. that would allow you to progress. I really miss those Tytn options. Would have been perfect for e.g. the refined daeyalt, the rejuvenation tank and pretty much everything inside the hallucination version of Castle Drakan.

On a side note, audio updates that were released with the quest were quite nice. Utterly unexpected Paterdomus mausoleum update too, though I do miss the high walls and the old pillars. As for character updates, I only have a problem with Aeonis*g and Drezel. They essentially went from pretty unique designs and clothes to plain robes in one, boring colour. Drezel's using Ivan Strom's old chathead made dialogue quite confusing, too, I must say. :P And Zaromark Sliver lost the spikes on his shoulders and wristguards, awe. The two accompanying miniquests were also very nice (I'd have done a few locations in The Lost Toys differently, e.g. bottom of Mort Ridge instead of Araxyte Hive, but eh. And added some ways to obtain crossbow strings inside Morytania...) and Fenkenstrain's Refrain remains brilliant after its update.

Final point I'd like to make concerns a very important plot point: the Edicts of Guthix. At the end of TLoV, it became apparent that risking a breach was Roald's only option, seeing that Vanescula was going to attack no matter what. I had expected this to become very important in RoB, but somehow it wasn't even alluded to. The Church of Saradomin were still investigating the Edicts, trying to find a loophole, and I imagined they would finally have come up with something at the start of the quest, possibly something His Grace Aeonis*g would like to keep from the King.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:23:51

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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After all, the quest never featured an outright battle between the two armies. I imagined that this was because Vanescula was trying to prevent bloodshed at the very last moment still, while Roald hoped not to breach the Edicts. This would have made perfect sense, but somehow the Edicts did not feature at all. A real shame, they were one of the more interesting plot points. It also remains unresolved at the end of the quest – were the Edicts actually violated? Should Misthalin now tremble in fear every time a druid passes by?

Now then, the quest itself. Roald has Aeonis*g, spiritual advisor, former High Inquisitor, former former mercenary in the Wilderness, meet Captain Rovin's vanguard to Paterdomus. All right. At Paterdomus, we are ambushed by Vyrewatch, adding to the direness of the situation, and Aeonisig gives us three tasks. Lovely, non-linear gameplay and overall a very enjoyable section. Making weapons and armour for the guards in a throwback to In Search of the Myreque (fortunately Temple Trekking reward tokens provide you with plenty of iron and coal!), strengthening the Salve, and clearing Paterdomus. Let's start with the latter.

The monks are a bit aggressive and we have to resort to killing them. Wel*, shouldn't have occupied Paterdomus then, right?! A silly counter pops up whenever we kill a monk to inform us how many are left. Please. This is a grandmaster quest, such handholding might be appropriate for a novice quest only. It's not of any big concern, but I was mildly annoyed. When they're all dead, we go to the top floor to find – dun dun dun – Zaromark Sliver and the Zamorakian leader of the anti-Edicts group trying to find a lost item, probably the map we took during Legacy of Seergaze. We confront them, and a battle breaks out.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:24:02

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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While I really liked this section of the quest, the battle itself was disappointing. The two used abilities, which only made the battle more hectic, chaotic and hard to follow, without really adding anything to the gameplay itself. Moreover, they did not switch attack styles or prayers, which I found to be very odd. Especially since they knew we had bested Zaromark and Fistandantilus last time, prayer switching was the least they could try. And poor Zaromark doesn't even bother with teleporting and just dies – okay then. After dealing with the leader (who, fortunately for him, does have enough brains to teleport), we obtain a neat little book that reveals something about the group's motives and goals. Well, great, but we never show the book to Aeonis** or Roald or Drezel, nor are the glove and map Drezel was safekeeping for us ever used, oddly enough. Well, since the group did not feature in the rest of the quest and their story remains unfinished, I presume there will eventually be a sequel to RoB in which this is resolved, so I shan't elaborate on the matter for now. However, I highly suspect the glove to have belonged to a certain old inquisitor of Saradomin... While Paterdomus is once again in proper hands, this is not directly used in the remainder of the quest, but it was definitely an important part of it. Presumably, it will be used in future content anyway. There's also the "monk" from Devious Minds, whose potential appearance in this quest might be a bit awkward.

Next, we reinforce the blessing of the Salve. I found it particularly odd that nobody considered trying rune essence, which has proven quite effective twice already. Could even have taken rune essence to the blood altar to do some funny stuff with it, but I guess not... Nevertheless, Drezel's nicely in-character when he talks about the book we need to find, but eventually we are given permission to search for it in the hidden library.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:24:14

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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Now, for me personally, the puzzle required trivial effort since I knew the Seven Priestly Warriors' names and birthplaces by heart, so I can't complain about that. The fact that another one of those "n/7 done!" overhead counters appeared whenever you found a correct book, however, did annoy me quite a bit. I repeat: this is a grandmaster quest. There should be no helpful interfaces or indications that you are doing it correctly or not; if you fail, you should find out only after attempting to obtain the book you seek and be hit by a powerful blast of holy energy that deals high damage, or be teleported into the middle of Mort Myre or something. It's a tiny part of the quest, but this handholding really annoyed me. That said, nice Monty Python reference with Falador. Would Falador have been significant enough to mention by name two hundred years ago, though? ;)

Lovely hidden bonus dialogue with King Roald and Veliaf Hurtz in the meantime.

Anyway, book obtained, and it was an immensely interesting tome. Kudos. Time to desecrate Ivandis's tomb! The hint to use Guthix Balance was extremely obvious but perhaps that's just my own extensive knowledge (if I say so myself) of the story, Gasp, he is not actually inside his coffin. However, a case containing more diary pages, a recipe for Super Guthix Balance, a sil*thril bar and some fancy Guthix serum (could it be Tears of Guthix?) are. I only figured out how to read these new diary pages at the end of the quest (silly) but they were very interesting indeed. Another tragic fate to add to the Myreque series' tally, and I have a fairly good idea of where Ivandis eventually ended up. This also makes Priest in Peril a bit more significant...
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:24:23

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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There is, however, an apparent contradiction here. It is discovered that Ivandis's body is not actually inside his coffin. So far so good, but consider the following fragment written by his brother-in-arms and eyewitness, good old Keorgius Feryis:

Original message details are unavailable.

Ivandis was put to rest in the smaller of the two caverns along the North Eastern wall with his worldly possessions. Appropriate preparations were made to ensure the safety of his mortal remains and the cavern that formed his tomb was sealed up with boards.

What mortal remains exactly were brought thither? And – if Keorgius and his men were 'in' on Ivandis's plan to trek into Morytania instead of being laid to rest – why bother with the hidden coffin at all if there was nobody inside?

It's also pretty much stated that Ivandis invented Guthix Balance with Yarra, after the war. This is not true; the only reason we know about the potion now is because Ivandis used it during the Battle of the Salve, and this was depicted in books, on the plaster fragment etc. Please fix this.

So, Balance be brewed and diaries read, time to reinforce the Salve. Some nice dialogue with Vanescula and an Edicts-defying but cool cutscene later (Varrock still doesn't realise it's using the wrong crest damnit), we confront the vampyre on the bridge as the two armies meet. Turns out Super Guthix Balance is essentially a worse version of regular Guthix Balance, as it turns all vampyres into angry ravenous rather than humans. Oops. And then...a monstrous wyrd arrives. While Aeonis*g and Rovin (probably) wet themselves up on the terrace, Vanescula is unable to control her creation and it attempts to destroy Ivan. Drezel attempts to protect him and is viciously mauled by the wyrd, who is subsequently defeated by my Ivandis flail and Ivan's magic (where did he get runes??). Then, Efaritay Hallow herself arrives and saves the day with an Icyenic blast of holy wrath, forcing the wyrd and Vanescula to retreat.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:24:36 - Last edited on 08-May-2016 14:37:45 by Lord Drakan

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

Posts: 7,043 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This'd normally be a deus ex machina, but in this case, with all the references and hints towards her return throughout the series, we're good. The fight itself was a bit on the easy side; the quest isn't supposed to be as hard as TBoD or TLoV in terms of combat, but I was able to take on the wyrd with a flail and minimal food. But it's been buffed now, so okay. And then... Drezel dies as a result of his attempt to protect his successor in a scene whose tragedy matches that of Hazelmere's demise. I don't recall if it was Lament for the Hallowed or The Columbarium that played during this sequence but either way tears filled my eyes when he died. May Saradomin guard over your soul, Drezel, custodian of Paterdomus, priest in peril.

Meanwhile, Aeonisig isn't happy about the Salve. He's sort of right, but now's not the time, you son of a brawler. At the Icyene graveyard, Efaritay reveals some details about the Fall of Hallowvale (and now we know what the Meiyerditch castle was for – though had it not been stated that the Drakans took over Efaritay's castle and turned it into Castle Drakan? Then again it was also said that this stood in the centre of Morytania so eh), the nature of the Sunspear and how she escaped. As for the latter...fine. I maintain Vampyrium should never have been a thing in the first place and hopefully it won't ever become a bigger thing in the future, but at least it's explained how she returned. Also, Safalaan is the wyrd; excellent plot twist, well executed. Shame the trailer had spoilt it in advance. Efaritay also explains why the wyrd went after Ivan. Bit of an anticlimax, this; it's because he's pious and good, not because of his special talents.
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

08-May-2016 14:24:48 - Last edited on 08-May-2016 14:39:35 by Lord Drakan

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