Capn Swag
i will help you out.
push yourself further - join Zamorak
Mostly correct, with the added bit that any means to that end are acceptable as long as it isn't purely to cause destruction.
everything has order - join Saradomin
Not really. Saradomin wants to bring order so that his people need not dirty their hands as he has. In essence, it's protecting people from needless suffering through order.
let other help you to make decision - join Zaros
You'd be right about Zaros in the second age, but not so much about modern Zaros. Zaros's philosophy now is to use all of life's experiences to better yourself, while also learning to do so responsibly depending on the situation. In addition, as much as he appreciates fealty, Zaros doesn't require it. Just expect him to account for that in the future.
believe in justice - join armadyl
Pretty accurate. Armadyl believes that Gods should advise mortals, working together as equals (or as close to that as possible). He believes in peace as well, but will pursue more aggressive tactics should the peaceful options prove fruitless.
Challenge someone who is way to op for you - join bandos.
Way off base. The Bandosian ideology is essentially might makes right. The strongest leads, and any and all disagreements are settled through combat. And anybody or anything you can best in combat is yours to do with as you please unless somebody stronger wants it.
you want some to watch after you as your back up - join Seren.
There is old and new Seren ideologies, and neither really matches what you said. Her earlier philosophy was to protect the mortals under her control, while not preventing them from exercising their free will. Now, she just wants mortals to live free from the gods, including herself.