The only difference between Gods and less-powerful leaders would be the level of destruction caused. That's a spectrum, and generally the more powerful the individual(s), the more destruction caused. Even that's flawed, though. For one, destruction is necessary for creation (see: Invention, or really any other skill/pair of skills), and destruction is a result of conflict. Conflict is also a necessary evil, and not something that you can just rid the world of. Any kind of disagreement breeds conflict, and conflict, in turn, breeds some kind of destruction.
The most the Godless would be doing would be drawing a line that says, "OK. Any amount of destruction before this level that this line represents, is acceptable. Any amount of destruction beyond the level that this line represents, is unacceptable."
And how are you going to quantify that? How in the world are you going to justifiably, acceptably quantify the acceptability and unacceptability of certain amounts of destruction?
Anyways, I'm going to go make a thread on this in a second, but yeah. Hope you understand.
The best things in life are h
dden. You have to seek them out!
03-Sep-2016 21:56:56
- Last edited on
03-Sep-2016 22:00:29
Fat N Wacky