A week past writing that review and a couple weeks past playing, I'm a little surprised by how, well,
Children of Mah and Endgame actually were. Elegy, Lord of Vampyrium, even the Light Within all had moments that stuck with me long after I'd completed the quest. I think of the last two quests released, and I mainly think of the plot points that were advanced - but there's nothing there to actually grip you, despite the vast scope of both. I don't know, it's kind of an intangible thing.
I absolutely enjoyed Endgame. But I'm also sort of realizing the one moment I really loved (Armadyl in his tower) may not actually reflect on the rest of the quest.
Anyways, at the same time as making that top ten, I also figured out my bottom ten, which have changed a bit more than the top. From least to most tolerable~
Making History
Mourning's Ends Part I
Sheep Herder
Missing, Presumed Death
Rocking Out
Murder Mystery
Demon Slayer
Tribal Totem
Monk's Friend
All Fired Up
Demon Slayer is the Grufeld Bach version (I know it's changed since, but I've not played the newest). The last time the list was mostly quests I found forgettable, but on closer examination I found more that I actively disliked - with the exception of Monk's Friend and All Fired Up, which are just too small a scope to make any impact.
13-Jan-2017 22:49:48