I thought I would write up my thoughts on Kindred Spirits. Going into the quest, there was little to no expectations other than gladness it seemed to be an attempt to flesh out Sliske, who is more of a troll caricature than character and frankly a little boring. Quick word about the requirements - It seems rather odd to have temporary content as a requirement, makes people doing the quest on release have additional work to do. Seems a little inconsistent from a company that thought it was impossible to add a relevant novice quest to ripper demons as slayers wouldn’t be able to handle it but has no qualms making requirements for questers longer if you chose to do the update on release.
The quest begins at Linza, who says people from Taverlry and Burthrope are being kidnapped. But she mentions Brother Samwell, who is in neither of those areas. Anyway after talking to Relomia you end up in a prison with Sliske. There is then a Rocking Out similar prison escape. Good things about this section are the examine texts and the choices.
04-Jul-2016 17:27:24