"After reading the New Skill Pitch blog, which concept(s) for a New Skill in Old School RuneScape would you be happy to see refined further? Select all that apply.
Sailing 59.2% (105799 votes)
Taming 39.9% (71390 votes)
Shamanism 58.8% (105208 votes)
I didn't like any of them 12.5% (22209 votes)
Skip question 1.1% (1961 votes)
Note: This is a multiple-choice question. Each value reflects the percentage of voters who chose that option. Since players can pick multiple options, this will not add to 100%."
Yes, it is not just possible to get a 70%, but also 100%, vote for each skill, but it didn't happen.
16-Apr-2023 00:32:43