
Price Changes - 4th June 2018

Quick find code: 294-295-379-66004091

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 871 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm more worried about the ingame price of bonds inflating even more, they already get insanely expensive to the point where they cost a good 20M each. This is not good for the bond price.
Trimmed Completionist #1121

10-Apr-2018 18:25:00



Posts: 41,301 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Trevopada said :
Just because Jagex posts a profit doesn't mean their cost of business isn't rising every year. Rent, employee salaries, hydro costs, etc. go up every single year. The only way Jagex can keep their profits the same or higher in addition to diversifying their games/products would be to pass along the costs to their users. This is the only way the company stays profitable, its investors invest in it and this game maintains its development.

At the end of the day, I still feel that the membership prices are very reasonable for game of this size now a days. While I can understand that no one would like to pay more, this is just a fact of life when it comes to inflation.

Considering the profits they have made, and the fact that we're constantly expected to pay more for less actual updates, and how many times they have posted similar statements which turned out to be lies or overpromising, it's about time that they'd properly explain to their customers why they need to get even more money from us, and of course they should start delivering a lot more than they have. Otherwise it just naturally comes across as trying to squeeze out as much money as they can, with no real need to do so.
"Volat Accipiter libera est; venandi sua natura est."
~Accipiter striatus

10-Apr-2018 18:26:19

Little Lee05

Little Lee05

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This isn't the right thing to do. You will almost definitely lose so many current customers because of this, just on pure principle alone, which in the long-run will not be good for business. Maybe to the point of no return...

Just 1 Example
Why not create a new product that could match bonds on the marketplace? Have them sell for the same price, with 3 new & different options inside, everybody would buy 1 or more, possibly weekly. Almost definitely as frequently as bonds. Quids in, in my opinion.

There are so many other ways for Jagex to generate a higher income from us, the Consumer. Which would also have great potential to bring back a variety of old & new players to the game. But this is a very amateur move, also very sneaky and greedy, and will prevent such a good thing from happening... If anything quite the opposite. :(

Please go back to the drawing-board with this one guys. it's a bad move, and I'm sure 99% of the community agree.

10-Apr-2018 18:27:24 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2018 18:28:11 by Little Lee05

X Sweetpea X

X Sweetpea X

Posts: 79 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
MechaFury said :
Sorry Jagex I am not biting

You Nickle and dime your customers for everything, I have played Runescape off and on for 17 Years. I have seen you evolve and change for the worse you adapted from everything that came after you and instead of focusing on what made Runescape good you brought in other mechanics and Features that no one asked for.

And I think we can all see through the mire, Clearly there is going to be a influx of players returning when the mobile app releases. You figure HEY - Lets increase the membership price, I am sorry im not buying it, you haven't shown yourself to be reliable when it comes to content updates or even respectable business practice. Your Financial Reports are publicly available You make A LOT OF MONEY. so your idea is to say well lets jack up that price without showing us what your willing to do for that money, Cause clearly its not invest in your game.

-Scummy Spin the wheel Loot box system you have in the game that rewards Cosmetic items that are worthless (and i mean worthless LIKE ZERO GE OR UNTRADABLE)

-Runemetrics pro - An program that tracks exp gain and other useful info. Lets nickle and dime customers that to 69 bucks a year

just a few things you guys do to make your game as anti Consumer as possible in order to stretch your profits Farther and farther at the cost of your own game and fanbase.

I second all of this... especially the cosmetic items, what a pile of crap, they are items and cannot understand anyone buying them..

10-Apr-2018 18:36:15

Jaekob Caed
Apr Member 2011

Jaekob Caed

Posts: 7,173 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Look, I pay for Premier Club annually because I love to support this company and game. I don't have a problem with us having to pay for content. But one thing I really prided myself on, as a player, was that I was playing a game that was extremely affordable to play. While it's still more affordable than many subscription-based or freemium MMOs, we're inching closer and closer to it becoming unaffordable. One of the main reasons I don't pay any other subscriptions (though I want to get The Elder Scrolls Online's ESO Plus membership) is due to the fact that $15/month is not really affordable for me at this time, and probably won't be for quite some time. $10/month was even a little steep, in my book, but honestly, I think the best value was the $8/month pricing.

Jagex has been extremely successful in the past few years, there really isn't a justification or excuse for this. Not one bit. And I'm telling you right now: if this money doesn't go towards MUCH better content in the coming years, you guys are going to lose a lot of support. A LOT of support. I'm a proud RS veteran, I've loved Jagex since the start, but this is not a good move. This will not only deter former members from returning, it will also deter the prospective new players we need to keep this game growing like it has been.

I really don't see any reason or justification for this. Jagex has been more successful than ever without raising the prices so really, this just boils down to greed on the part of the shareholders.
Jaekob Caed
: Scribe, Scholar and Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven ~
The Jagex I once loved is dead... A THREAD

10-Apr-2018 18:42:11

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