This isn't the right thing to do. You will almost definitely lose so many current customers because of this, just on pure principle alone, which in the long-run will not be good for business. Maybe to the point of no return...
Just 1 Example
Why not create a new product that could match bonds on the marketplace? Have them sell for the same price, with 3 new & different options inside, everybody would buy 1 or more, possibly weekly. Almost definitely as frequently as bonds. Quids in, in my opinion.
There are so many other ways for Jagex to generate a higher income from us, the Consumer. Which would also have great potential to bring back a variety of old & new players to the game. But this is a very amateur move, also very sneaky and greedy, and will prevent such a good thing from happening... If anything quite the opposite.
Please go back to the drawing-board with this one guys. it's a bad move, and I'm sure 99% of the community agree.