Kendall Oaks said :
Original message details are unavailable.
It's a buck and a half for the love of Guthix!
It's a company that necessarily needs money to stay in business (it's not a defense of, well, anything, except maybe common sense).
If y'all honestly can't give up a single Starbucks latte, or a candy bar, or even a single sports drink (or skip the damn fries just one time) each month then straighten out your priorities and don't.
A buck and a half a month isn't a "bad hand", it's the cost of doing business in a grown up world. Welcome to it.
It has nothing to do with the $1.50 increase and everything to do with them doing this after the shitshow that was 2017. And they think that 2-3 months of semi-good to good updates as a good enough reason to raise it. Along with them also raising the price of Treasure Hunter Keys and Runecoins. This screams blatant cash-grab to me. Especially when they've been making more money in the past 2-3 years than ever and putting out LESS content for it.
And in that grown up world I mentioned.. it is absolutely your choice to pay for a product or not.. but.. to pay for a product and then raise holy hell about it being a "shitshow" that you don't like (and I'd lay odds you wouldn't have said a word about that without this price increase) is simply ridiculous.
There's a product in front of you. You know what it offers. You know what it's going to cost moving forward.
Instead of pitching a fit about it, MAKE A CHOICE of whether or not you CHOOSE to pay the price of the product offered or not. Raisin' hell about it isn't going to cause corporate to say 'oh hey this guy cried about it so we'll just revert it cause we don't need the money'.
Jagex tossed that bloody ball into your court. ONLY YOU can make a decision for yourself about paying for the product or not.
Calm down. Make a choice.
You can just say adapt or quit and stop writing essays for once in your life
Kendall Oaks said :
Original message details are unavailable.
It's a buck and a half for the love of Guthix!
It's a company that necessarily needs money to stay in business (it's not a defense of, well, anything, except maybe common sense).
If y'all honestly can't give up a single Starbucks latte, or a candy bar, or even a single sports drink (or skip the damn fries just one time) each month then straighten out your priorities and don't.
A buck and a half a month isn't a "bad hand", it's the cost of doing business in a grown up world. Welcome to it.
It has nothing to do with the $1.50 increase and everything to do with them doing this after the shitshow that was 2017. And they think that 2-3 months of semi-good to good updates as a good enough reason to raise it. Along with them also raising the price of Treasure Hunter Keys and Runecoins. This screams blatant cash-grab to me. Especially when they've been making more money in the past 2-3 years than ever and putting out LESS content for it.
And in that grown up world I mentioned.. it is absolutely your choice to pay for a product or not.. but.. to pay for a product and then raise holy hell about it being a "shitshow" that you don't like (and I'd lay odds you wouldn't have said a word about that without this price increase) is simply ridiculous.
There's a product in front of you. You know what it offers. You know what it's going to cost moving forward.
Instead of pitching a fit about it, MAKE A CHOICE of whether or not you CHOOSE to pay the price of the product offered or not. Raisin' hell about it isn't going to cause corporate to say 'oh hey this guy cried about it so we'll just revert it cause we don't need the money'.
Jagex tossed that bloody ball into your court. ONLY YOU can make a decision for yourself about paying for the product or not.
Calm down. Make a choice.

You can just say adapt or quit and stop writing essays for once in your life
11-Apr-2018 23:26:44