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why has jagex been so secretive about 2015 financial news ugh oh somethings not well in the kingdom..
why is jagex selling out? On 4 May 2007, Jagex announced that RuneScape has over 9,000,000 free players and over 1,000,000 pay-to-play subscribers.
hey jagex what are those 2016 player base numbers
Most things I've seen about their financial report for last 3 years tends to show up after march. Usually around July is every link I could find to previous ones. I don't know when they do taxes in UK. If it is around the same time as USA. But seems like they release financial statements for previous year after that time frame. July is the earliest I could find with anyone making any mention of financial records for 2012,13 and 14.
I'm also fairly certain those numbers are lower. Both from players leaving as they get tired of the game. Lose interest in it or simply don't enjoy the new direction. But by far the largest would have to be anti bot updates they have introduced into the game over time.
Remember the reason the wilderness was removed in 2007 was because the Growers and others couldn't see anyway to deal with bots and gold farmers. So they removed wilderness and added trade restrictions to curb said effects. Which is also why on PvP worlds you would drop random loot rather then what they were wearing to prevent people from trading like that.
I'm a big entropy fan.
All subtlety and nuance of a napalm enema
18-Mar-2016 02:49:23