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Cat, that's why I posted here and not forum help. What they said was not racist, but was very close to being such.
People say racist things all the time without meaning to. A reminder that they need to be careful how they phrase it does not do any harm. Racist comments do.
Slippery slope. You can define racism in ways that make the definition of racism a weapon to stifle righteous and just concern of the people. In this case, you seem to be using racism as a tool to justify advising people to "be careful" of their wording.
If you have a fact linking people in a geographical area to a particular activity and you call it like it is without singling out a race ( because it could be anyone of any race that just happens to be in China ) then you are not being racist.
Those who point out gold farming and where it comes from are not racist by virtue of saying fact as long as it is indeed a fact. My concerns as stated before of a Chinese firm gaining control of the game and instituting censorship are also backed up by the fact that China dose indeed censor free speech and expression. It's a fact, it's not racist.
As for the financials of the company buying Jagex, I did not just look at News, I looked at other financial data that suggested the company is simply not likely to stay solvent ( unless some outside capital starts coming in ( say from the Chinese government or a loan ).
Fact is that either the company acquiring jagex makes money, breaks even or loses money. all external indications indicate the Acquiring company is hemorrhaging badly. If you made decisions based on what was good for the game ( and we are not ) then the acquiring company would never past the test and would be rejected in favor of a company who's balance sheet is at least break even.
Im not so much concerned, I think Runescape will live, just extremely baffled by this. Part of me hopes the UK kills the deal. Likely not though.
18-Mar-2016 02:15:52
- Last edited on
18-Mar-2016 02:16:57
Quantum Evil