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Really, because again, I'm backing my argument up with some pretty successful companies right about now. Would you like me to give you the dates they were purchased as well as the amount they were purchased for? I bet I could dig up about 20 more that didn't end in the gutting or the change of the company being bought as well...
Bain Capital. Look at their track record. They're a Venture Capitalist firm much like IVP is one.
Need I continue?
You do realize that Foreign ownership accounts for over 20% of all US stocks, with a large possible increase over the next few years? Most of that 20% includes entire companies that are owned by Foreign Investment and are still operating. I dont see US companies dropping like flies. Also, I'm going to point out that if a company goes out of business or is gutted, they don't count towards that 20% seeing as their stock no longer exists. So yeah, looks like we deal with a lot of foreign ownership that doesn't ***** us over.
You kept saying they wouldn't have much of any creative control. That was the whole argument, but you were wrong and somehow turned it into a "will they" scenerio instead. They CAN do it. But will they? Time will tell.
If they want to have the CEO gone, they can and will do it. Replace them with someone that can take runescape for all it's worth to get the most profit they can in the short term, and then drop jagex when they're about to tank. That has happened time and time and time again within the gaming industry. I wouldn't be so sure that it can't happen to us.
I'm STILL saying they cant have creative control over the game. They can't axe the CEO, they can't replace employees, thats still handled on Jagex's side of business regardless of what happens.
16-Mar-2016 21:16:31