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I've done quite a bit of reading, researching and translating since the initial announcement, and I think most people are simply overreacting to the situation, fearmongering and doomsaying.
I just go off of what I have been educated on and applications in the real world, and I am just saying: it doesn't look good. Could it be an overreaction? Sure, but given the context of the situation, I am not seeing anything positive here.
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Only time will tell, and I'm fairly confident that the potential buyers want the best for the company, just as the rest of us do.
If there is one thing I learned about business mate, it's this: take everything a business says at face value. The people saying that **** are paid to put a positive spin on a situation (It's the sole purpose behind HR departments in a business).
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There aren't that many companies out there that would buy up a vending machine just to destroy it. Although, that does happen occasionally in big business.
It's actually the Modus Operandi in venture capitalism, so I wouldn't hold my breath quite yet.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
23-Mar-2016 08:05:03