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I think the game will be fine as long as the mining company only treats the acquisition as an investment and leaves Jagex's management independent. However I do hope that the company will not go out of business and drag Jagex along with it.
As for opportunities in Asia, I'm not that optimistic about it. There is no potential market for Runescape at least in China simply because the game does not fit into the Chinese culture. And I'm saying this as a Chinese living in Hong Kong. So if that's the plan, it's most likely going to fail.
As much as I want Jagex to get more Asian players into Runescape, I know it's going to be a really difficult and near impossible task. If they are planning to sell Jagex for this, they should really think twice before signing the contract.
That's my humble opinion. Excuse my English.
I think your spot on here. Except with runescapes history, if the company was to falter, someone else would come in and offer to buy runescape for cheap.
I agree with pretty much everything you have said here.
True, but I don't think that will be good for RS neither lol
I don't see it as a bad thing. It lets Jagex do their job, Probably to a more free standard and could even increase the abilities through financial backing. Time will tell sure, but I really see his as a huge positive compared to IVP.
I meant that 'go out of business' situation won't be good for RS if it has to be sold for cheap.
But yes, I do agree that the acquisition can benefit the game if Jagex's management can gain more freedom and financial backing, as long as they remain independent.
Let's see what happens
16-Mar-2016 20:40:37
- Last edited on
16-Mar-2016 20:41:27
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