There is a lot that I could say, but I feel like most of it has been said already by others, so no need to be repetitive. But I do not feel to happy about this acquisition, it doesn't feel right. It would be ignorant to think that nothing would change when a company is investing 300 million dollars in a company and then not to do or change anything about it. I hope the shareholders of Jagex listen to us, their biggest and most important stakeholders! I don't have problems with acquisitions, Jagex has seen its fair share of people investing in RS. The problem I have with it is that it is not another gaming company it's a mining company. If you may or may not know, the mining industry is tanking right now, and doing horribly around the world (trust me I know, some of my clients are mining companies). Therefore if mining companies are failing, this company has the potential to fail too in these tough mining economic times, and therefore bye bye RS. Also I ask that you remember that different cultures do business differently around the world, corruption and bribes are not as regulated in countries such as China, and are much more common. Whether you believe it or not, with this big of a stake in RS the Chinese companies actions/wants will eventually somehow trickle down to us. This effect will most likely not have a positive effect on the stakeholders (players), and gameplay of RS. I know it's hard for me to advocate my position on the issue since I hold no monetary share of Jagex, but I please ask that you provide us with this kind of information, instead of telling us nothing will change and the game will still stay the same, for me thats an ignorant view of the situation. I look forward to seeing what else you have to say, maybe get some comments from the shareholders themselves?
"Try not to be a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value"
- Albert Einstein
16-Mar-2016 20:18:26