Braveshado, I disagree with your opinion on why 120 skill are a good thing and here is why...
You say you don't like that alot of people are now 90+ in all skills because it has no pride, no envy, and doesn't make you better than anyone else. And then call anyone who opposes the cap raise to 120 "stuck up", I think you're comment about envy and the likes is significantly more stuck up than a simple idea to want to experience everything a game has to offer. So lets get that out of the way for starters.
As time passes naturally players are going to progress farther in a game. It's been around for 14 freaking years which is very far beyond the lifespan of most games. And I think people (which as you put it earlier are a lot of people) who have spent a significant portion of that time with the game simply to be able to experience everything the game has to offer deserve the right to experience that content without being outdone irreparably in every aspect by people with infinite time on their hands as well as only being able to access inferior content to what is out there. Vets deserve more than that, only to be crapped on in favor of the 50 or so people who have sold their souls to runescape who will be the only ones to access all content.
I don't despise the idea of 120 in all skills because I am a "stuck up perfectionist wanting to complete the game to feel good about myself", I have a real life that makes me feel good about myself thank you very much.
I despise the idea of 120 skills because it ruins the very reason why I and many other players play runescape versus other debatably superior RPG's.... you don't have to specialize, and this is exactly what 120's would force you to do. The game needs an endpoint, and within the reasonable lifespan of the game(barring the top 50) that makes the game have no endpoint and thus specialization
It's not something the game needs and would be detrimental to why alot play it. I too am not a spring chicken to RS my friend;
25-Oct-2013 05:01:36