I'm all for the idea of 120 in all. I don't necessarily feel like explaining my reasoning in full detail, and I know I would never possibly get 120 in all. Really, I don't care. I just know I would focus on some of my favourite skills. According to Runetrack, I already have the xp for 103 Smithing, and if the skill caps were set at 120, I'd have more drive to want to skill it harder and get 120 Smithing. If implemented correctly, it shouldn't falter anyone's current game play and only extend the possibilities of any true Runescaper's potential outlook on the game.
The thought that so many people have 90+ in every skill sickens me. There is no rarity. There is no pride. Skillcapes are barely worth the showcase they once were. 120 would essentially be the new 99. What 99's were 5-8 years ago. Rare. Cool. Impressive. And envious. What fun is the game when it's easy for everyone to become good at everything? I'd enjoy it much more if people struggled and strived to achieve just one or two 120's to show them off and enjoy the benefits they bring.
Honestly, if you oppose the idea of 120 in all, you have to be a stuck up perfectionist who wants to complete every aspect of the game in order to feel self-achieved. No offense intended, really, but what's wrong with the idea? Dungeoneering is already 120 and there is no issue with that. As you train with new methods past 99, the xp rates would just increase and therefore not take as long as you might first interpret it to be.
I think it's something the game really needs. It would seriously heighten the enthusiasm the game once had, at least to the best of my opinion, I believe so, and I'm a vet player of 8 or 9 years or so standing at twelve 99's.
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25-Oct-2013 04:37:48