Make level 120 as new max level. However, with new content for each skill that give extremely high exp rates when trained on which can only be accessed after 99.
For example woodcutting, firemaking, herblore, etc there will be new trees/logs, and potions which require 99 Woodcutting to chop the new trees, 99 firemaking to light the new logs, and 99 herblore to create the new potions.
For combat exp; new monsters that can be accessed after reaching 99 combat stats which give a high amount of exp with killed.
Another idea which is similar is: new trees/logs/monsters/potions which will range from level 99 - 120.
I know that creating all this new content will take a long time however it is necessary to make level 120 as new max level for a skill possible.
If you do not decide to do this or anything similar to the idea then do not bring level 120 as max level for a skill into the game because level 120 with the current exp rates will take just way too long to reach and will deter new players from playing.
23-Oct-2013 21:37:08
- Last edited on
23-Oct-2013 21:39:25
Roy Mustang