
Prestige Poll Results

Quick find code: 294-295-290-65189306



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Matchgirl42 said :
Lysanora said :
So 60% people were in favor, and the 40% that weren't are considered "The majority"

Meh, only voted because I was hoping it may extend to quests at some point. Would really like to redo the quests without having to reacquire the levels to do so.

+1 to reading comprehension there, chief.

+1 to reading skills
We must change the raffle rules to avoid raffle rigging in future

24-Oct-2013 09:11:16 - Last edited on 24-Oct-2013 09:11:32 by Guppy

cute af

cute af

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Nukemarine said :
Unfortunately, you don't know why most people voted yes or no. Part of it was not explaining Prestige correctly. A big part I believe though was saying that xp already gained over level 99 would not rollover in any way. That just rubbed many, many people the wrong way even those that supported Prestige for the most part.

Anyway, I think a good method if you must remove level caps is just do that. In the high scores table there are no level caps. Use the prestige system to simulate as if there's no 99 cap nor 200m xp cap in the skills. So each "level" now is a prestige point but still looks like a level. At level 150 (ie 51 prestige), it takes 200m xp to gain every level after that.

In addition to overall high scores, player rank first by a person's lowest skill level. Got 115 in all skills? You rank above someone with 120 in all skills but only 110 agility. This'll make players continually level all their skills.

And all xp rolls over in this new system. Simple and follows the old system for the most part.

Personally, I liked the idea of players starting over at level 1. I didn't like there being no rollover. What Jagex could have done was calculated how much time/mouse clicks it takes to go from 1 to 99 versus how much it takes to get the same amount of xp as a 99. That ratio (different for each skill) would be the rollover value. Rollover would have a 3 month window though before it is removed to prevent abuse.

Of course you wouldn't mind it. You, unlike most other people, would have instant access to all the content between 99-120. It's just a waste of time for the majority of people.
hey lol

24-Oct-2013 09:33:49



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally I am happy to see Prestige not happen. While I would love more end game content for max players the reasoning behind my preferance is the man who developed Prestige has recently been whining non stop about the evils of Runescape and rage quit for another game.

He keeps screaming pay to win on his youtube and honestly its because of bonds.

Apparently you can buy spins with bonds.. but you could buy spins with walmart RS cards before? I get so sick of anytime anything is added the old guard scream the end of RS... EoC.. the end of RS... New Lodestones... the end of RS... anything to make the game more user friendly... the end of RS... now bonds the end of RS...

I wish people would just grow up.

24-Oct-2013 09:54:29 - Last edited on 24-Oct-2013 09:55:38 by AlmaWade

Jun Member 2011


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Li Xia said :
Sonora said :
El Squigzo said :
Ugh, I wanted prestige. All the whiny kids ruined it

And you're whining about not getting it, despite the majority voting against it... what a community RuneScape has.


Raptor said :
Wasted 8,5mill on logs i already bought 1 week before you added the poll and also wasted 500k bonus exp in firemaking that i won't use at all, so lame i can't refund the bonus exp and put it into a diffrent skill like divination.

Great job to the whining ppl that can't take any change.

You had time to sell the logs back after you saw the first day of poll results roll-in... At this point, it's only your fault, assuming you still have them. Besides, who would waste XP on firemaking over another skill (such as craft, agility, or, like you said, divination)?

i support this
she's right. its your own fault for buying logs before it was even sure perstige was even sure to come out.
Actually, when Jagex 1st made the dev blog for it, it sure sounded like Prestige would definitely be added. They decided to do the poll after they saw all the bad responses to it. So it's not really Combustio's fault. He had no way of knowing that it'd get so many bad responses and that Jagex would have a poll a week later. However, Amavero is correct in that Combustio could have just sold them back. Also, there was no rush to get all the bonus xp before it was added so idk why Combustio did that.

24-Oct-2013 10:24:31 - Last edited on 24-Oct-2013 10:36:11 by Mario100789

David Meow

David Meow

Posts: 1,730 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Happy prestige isn't being implemented. Was a poor way of introducing it into the game and would've had a detrimental impact on the atmosphere of the community IMO. Yes, we should move forward with the times but why throw everything done in the past out? That's just crazy and illogical.

A better poll would've had more questions. I hope there will be future polls on this topic.

24-Oct-2013 10:27:40

Colin Chan
Dec Member 2020

Colin Chan

Posts: 161 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I really think its super DUMB of the people who complain that the whining kids who can't take change voted No on the prestige poll. Are you that blind? Its other people's choice to vote!

No one gives a sh*t whether you can choose to use prestige or not, most of the people who voted no just prefers a non-endless game (or if they just want to keep their highscore, which I think is kinda silly but it still their opinion).

So seriously, stop whining about the whining kids who voted no; cause your the whining kid yourself.

- Temari

24-Oct-2013 10:43:45

Evening Rose

Evening Rose

Posts: 1,841 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for actually implementing a poll and listening to what your players wanted!

One thing I would love to see which re-introduces competition and I have high hopes for its popularity would be an xp tracking system, to show xp gained in certain skills over the past day, week, month and all time records. There are other websites which do things similar to this but I would imagine you can allow people with 200m xp a skill to still compete (though they wouldn't gain xp past 200m, they could still get records of the xp they would have gained had there not been a cap).

^love this idea it still gives scope for competitive players BUT alas has no bearing on the lower skill level items becoming useful in game. There is a suggestion earlier in forum posts regarding using these items in conjunction with divination (who knows this may happen with the next skill) to apply some value to them - sounds like an excellent idea to me :) .
If one gives empathy and solace the the world is a better place

24-Oct-2013 10:49:46

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