Personally I am indifferent to the idea of prestige giving people who wish to, the ability to pursue levels again. I will likely be voting '
' because it does not meet your stated goal of making the highscores competitive again, and because I think there would be little enthusiasm for this type of achievement even among hardcore maxers.
A player just starting today might have the -potential- to some day reach the higher tiers of the highscores, but you at some point have to consider the time effort required for these achievements. A player starting a year from prestige's release would need to max several times to even have a chance at the high scores, and while they are working that gap becomes greater. Again, the highscores would still be about who was first to level, and adding prestige only makes that advantage greater.
No one starting today is going to want to invest 5-10 years to get to that pinnacle, which is the time it would take and even greater down the road.
No, what you need to do is keep pursuing the idea of seasonal highscores, although a poorer name could that not have. Basically highscores that reset after a giving time and anyone can pursue them, that are -
- about level.
They could be silly like the most of x, y, or z monster killed, most of something crafted, most mined of a specific ore, or even most exp gained in a specific skill or total exp over the length of the event (exp still tallied for those with 200m on old highscores).
Swap some tabs around on the current highscores webpage and accentuate the importance of temporary achievements; top players are not those will the most lifetime exp, but the most exp in the last month or some such thing.
17-Oct-2013 15:11:24