This is not just about the high level players, like come on, get real Jagex.
Imagine the scenario if putting 10% of these higher levels under the prestige system, working their way up agian using lower to medium level resources, what do you think will happen to players who haven't prestiged and are using the same resources as the prestiged higher levels?
Seriously, this prestige is going to make the economy even worst if it gets added into the game even after being changed. Since it will most likely insist in forcing players to reuse old content, more people will sell unused items but also more people will buy them, prices will go up and down to the point of being redicolous for some players who are trying to level up without being prestiged.
Just boost the xp cap for each skill to 400m and raise the level cap on each skill to 120, excessive xp beyond 99 is added as a bonus 2x multiplier that helps grinding to the new 400m cap (200m players would start from 13m again with xp bonus, ex: 187m xp bonus for 200m players to use towards 400m xp cap).
The people who say this system does no harm, they are completly square headed and completly wrong, either selfishness or pure stupidity is coming into play with those opinions. Game should focus on keeping both lower and high level players active, keeping the higher level players active while avoiding them touching the low level content is for the best for the newcomers. If higher level players manipulate low level content, you can pretty much say you are killing this game from it's root now, because everyone starts from there and making it awfully unbalanced early on is not a good idea.
t l;dr
-Higher level players NEED higher level content, not lower level, again.
-Lower level players NEED a balanced economy early on, which right now isn't a bad case (could be if this system was to get added).
-Increase level cap (120) and xp cap (400m), add new content 99-120, kkthxbye.
17-Oct-2013 14:59:43