
BTS43 Combat: Evolution Cont.

Quick find code: 294-295-235-65136705

Cruel Alias

Cruel Alias

Posts: 109 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems to me there is a lot of different directions the team is taking EOC, maybe lack of communication or new folks with thier own versions to improve the system. Take the armor system for example. Mod Chris specifically stated armor was to be purely defensive. Yet the armor has changed many times even since EOC release. Examples would be the armor having the stats boost taken off and then a dmg boost directly applied to the chest piece. I'm no math major, but essentially that is the same thing as a stat boost in my book. Since > stat = more dmg ... Already Nex armor has strong armor and LP boosts and dmg boosts. Void has very strong dmg boost and very weak armor and LP boost. Player port armor has the strongest armor and LP boost and 0 stat boost. How is the new system going to change this? You already have implemented 3 armor ideas with different effects. You've already stated that the next tiers armor with "expodentially be greater than the last tier". Well honestly that failed. There was noticible gains when the idea was first implemented, then you took away all the juicy stats. Sure some were rediculous, but you pretty much negated anything "expodential".

I agree stats need to weigh in heavier than they do now, there is not much difference from a freshly leveled character who just bought torva armor and an obsidian cape than a grizzled vet who invested a lot of time and has the same equipment. The fight kiln and max and comp capes are a joke now. Why can't those be meaningful again? Pre EOC it was quite an accomplishment to get a fight kiln cape. Armor rating or LP boost and crit should be much much heavier on max capes and such than they are now, make our accomplishments in game mean something again please.

08-Mar-2013 22:11:47

Cruel Alias

Cruel Alias

Posts: 109 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh and honestly to truely equalize the combat system melee, range and mage auto attacks need retimed. Keep the fast, avg, slow and fastest but the auto attack needs to "tick away" while using your other abilities. For example. For demonstration purposes I am using an avg speed weapon say avg speed means an auto attack every 3 seconds. If i auto attack then immediatly start spamming abilities for at least 3 seconds. the instant i stop spamming abilities I would auto attack. After auto attk lands start spamming again, rinse and repeast. This gives weapons a true worth and "fastest" weapons would be much less ability spamming and a lot more timing your auto attacks. Weapons auto attacks should have a much higher impact on dmg than an ability. Weapon attacks should be doing 3 or so times the dmg of normal abilities. This keeps the player focused on timing thier damage than randomly smashing keybinds for max dmg output.

08-Mar-2013 22:19:47

Null Is Lul

Null Is Lul

Posts: 204 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, please make a main page poll about EoC, you KNOW the people who prefer it over the old combat system are the vocal minority... the reasons there are still more players in the ''main game'' are that the old school servers are members only, there are still less bots on them than on the main game and many people just don't want to restart from scratch... I honestly think it would even be more economically profitable for you to remove it even though there's been over three months. And if you did you could just turn people's metal claws and other offhands into as much cash as the guide price shows and refund offhand chaotics to fix the dual wielding issue it would cause...

08-Mar-2013 22:41:06



Posts: 2,598 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Jagex, please make a main page poll about EoC, you KNOW the people who prefer it over the old combat system are the vocal minority... the reasons there are still more players in the ''main game'' are that the old school servers are members only, there are still less bots on them than on the main game and many people just don't want to restart from scratch... I honestly think it would even be more economically profitable for you to remove it even though there's been over three months. And if you did you could just turn people's metal claws and other offhands into as much cash as the guide price shows and refund offhand chaotics to fix the dual wielding issue it would cause...

2007scape is your answer. ^.- Join us!

08-Mar-2013 22:43:50

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 412 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Oh and honestly to truely equalize the combat system melee, range and mage auto attacks need retimed. Keep the fast, avg, slow and fastest but the auto attack needs to "tick away" while using your other abilities. For example. For demonstration purposes I am using an avg speed weapon say avg speed means an auto attack every 3 seconds. If i auto attack then immediatly start spamming abilities for at least 3 seconds. the instant i stop spamming abilities I would auto attack. After auto attk lands start spamming again, rinse and repeast. This gives weapons a true worth and "fastest" weapons would be much less ability spamming and a lot more timing your auto attacks. Weapons auto attacks should have a much higher impact on dmg than an ability. Weapon attacks should be doing 3 or so times the dmg of normal abilities. This keeps the player focused on timing thier damage than randomly smashing keybinds for max dmg output.

I love the idea of mixing auto-attacks with abilities, as you can see from my post in page 8. But the action bar was created so we don't have to time auto-attacks to the tick, just like Jagex said it's strange to use freedom/anticipation etc. to keep adrenaline up. I suggest they add an ability for striking with auto-attacks. This would help greatly with dual-wielding and with weapons with auto-attack effects.

08-Mar-2013 23:05:15

Oct Member 2015


Posts: 7,183 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex, I cannot understand what they're saying because they're mashing their words together. Tell them to slow down their speach and articulate.
Here, I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret!

08-Mar-2013 23:14:44

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