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In response to your earlier reply, Du Eldrvarya, I agree that making attack a non-melee specific skill might be a suitable way to balance the triangle. I remember discussing something like that years ago.
Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages. Making Attack into a non-melee specific skill may be a simpler solution, but it could also be very frustrating to Rangers/Mages with low Attack skill. They would be put at an immediate disadvantage from their current standing, until they managed to train their Attack skill up. Because Attack already exists in-game, providing starting xp to offset this becomes so much more complicated than in the solution of adding Ranged and Magic equivalents.
Adding new Ranged and Magic equivalents to Attack, and setting their starting xp using the method described earlier, has several advantages unique to it. For one, this solution would provide two new combat skills for players to train while achieving level 99 Slayer and 120 Dungeoneering, reducing the gain of 'wasted xp' in other combat skills that are inevitably maxed out during the progress of maxing both Slayer and Dungeoneering. And as another advantage, it is less harsh to Rangers and Mages that have not significantly trained their Attack level.
09-Mar-2013 00:30:43