EOC is akin to Black Ops 2: Rushed and under tested.
The EOC market is absolute mayhem, food is irrelevant, and I can't tell you how unbalanced the entire thing is on the whole. There is indeed a reason so many people are leaving.
You are all correct; EOC is not bad. Not at all. It makes Runescape look very modern and pretty, but it is hampered so severely by balancing issues and rushed updates that you actually destroy any progress that you make. I don't hate this new Runescape nor do I hate Jagex, but please guys...please... take your time computing things and changing your game. It is really just awful right now.
On a side note, loving the '07 servers. Simplicity at its finest. Keep up the good work Jagex, been with you since '04.
13-Mar-2013 21:39:45