There would be some unique concerns with implementing Will and Focus though. Because these new partner skills would be in part separating functionality from the primary skills, Magic and Ranged, it would not be right for players that have trained their Magic and Ranged skills to suddenly lose the vast majority of their damage potential with those sides of the combat triangle. Therefore, upon adding Will and Focus, players should not necessarily start with level 1 in those new skills. Rather, what I think is fair is for players to have half of their experience in Ranged or Magic (up to 13,034,431 xp at 26,068,862 xp or higher) set as their experience in the new skills. In other words, if a player had exactly 13,034,431 xp in Ranged, which is level 99, before the update, then upon the update day, they would log in to find that they already have 6,517,215 xp in Focus as well, which is approximately level 92.
If Magic and Ranged are to be equal to Melee, then this type of update will need to be done someday. I can't honestly think of a better way to do it, and I honestly think that the player-base would applaud such a change as long as it isn't sprung on them by surprise.
08-Mar-2013 19:02:17