Putting offensive properties on armors again is a bad idea.
It's supposed to be armor, not another component of your weapon. Knowing how you guys do things, it won't be implemented at a right and balanced amount, it'll be overdone.
When that happens, it'll be digressing back to the offense-oriented imbalance of pre-eoc, and you know of course kids will start praising whatever armors have the slightest offensive edge over anything that's just normal old "armor", like how Bandos had "ooomfg teh str bonus@#$@"
It'll be back to the ages of "ur a idiot lmfao y u no hav [insert would-be "pro" setup that happens to be some meh armor with overinflated pricetag because every kid and their grandma worships it because of that offensive property]".
It's bad enough already with Void. Just ask all the "pvm"-ers. Nex and Kalphite King? All the "competent" ones use Void for the minor offense boost.
In short, I really dread the idea of offensive properties on armors, outside from what the Nex armors and GWD tops have already. It would just completely undermine the rest of normal, defensive armor. I somehow have a feeling you may neglect the notion of balancing it out by giving defensive type armors something equal if not better, to prevent offense-armor monopoly like there was pre-eoc.
09-Mar-2013 16:31:19