I also posted in another thread to say what I thought should be done with Dual-Wielding and 2h-Wielding, but that thread is now long gone.
More or less, what I had said was that the best way to make Dual-Wielding distinctly useful was to make weapon setup types (Dual-Wielding, 2h-Wielding, Shielding) have more unique and specialized roles.
In my opinion, Dual-Wielding should focus on area damage attacks, speed (short ability cooldowns), and raw damage boosts (berserk ability). This would make Dual-Wielding clearly desirable for culling large quantities of weak to moderately strong monsters, such as most Slayer task consist of. I also like the idea of Dual-Wielders rushing into the ranks of foes in games like clan wars, to massacre opponents in cramped formations.
As for 2h-Wielding, I think that the focus of these weapons' abilities should be damage by health percentage, high accuracy strikes, lowered enemy stats, Damage-Over-Time, and large amounts of damage with single hits, with most abilities on relatively long cooldowns. These types of abilities would make 2h-Wielding the ideal choice for inflicting large amounts of damage in prolonged fights, as well as for crippling opponents to an extent. This would make 2h-Wielding very desirable for attack-roles at most bosses****'ing, or fighting any monster with a high defense or health stat.
For Shielding, I think that the correct role is already defined in-game, though I think that some things could be tweaked. Shielding should be useful anywhere that one is willing to sacrifice damage for survivability, be that when tanking a boss, enduring a long Slayer task without making supply trips, or taking a defensive role in PVP. I think that Shielding might need some improvement to make it desirable after rejuvinate was put on an extremely long cooldown. Perhaps some sort of Protection Prayer enhancement ability could be added to Shielding? [Continued...]
08-Mar-2013 19:01:38