
BTS43 Combat: Evolution Cont.

Quick find code: 294-295-235-65136705

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 331 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Talking about dual chaotics, I think dual vs 2h chaotics is only relevant with melee, seeing as ranged does not have the option for a 2h chaotic. Instead we have rcb or zaryte for level 80 2h gear.

---World Guardian---

08-Mar-2013 18:43:42 - Last edited on 08-Mar-2013 18:44:01 by Dooglasii



Posts: 2,598 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Awesome updates guys, keep it up! :D

Also, what's taking so long with off-hand dungeon weapons? :( I would love to dual wield in dungeoneering. Dual wielder for life! I would like an off-hand primal longsword :3.

08-Mar-2013 18:52:58 - Last edited on 08-Mar-2013 18:57:12 by PrimalUktena

Gladius erus

Gladius erus

Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi i heard that when the EOC first came out and on the radio Runeradio, that you were bringing out an update to mmodify the look of your armour. could you please give a rough time of when it will come out and what it will entail, (P.S. Will it include modifying weapon looks and one that has been playing on my mind, the Barrows armour?) cheers :-D

08-Mar-2013 18:57:28



Posts: 170 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow to think i actually worked to get my bandos chestplate. I like the strength bonus of it. Now it will be removed. Does this mean it is now worthless? Will there be any boosts to it? I feel that unless it will be stronger than barrows armor such as more hp or def bonus then it is a piece of junk. Please tell us what you guys are going to do about it. Want to get ahead and if I have to sell it so i don't lose out on 12 mil cash.

08-Mar-2013 18:57:30

Painted Celt

Painted Celt

Posts: 2,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What I would like to see is for the weapon-damage, weapon-accuracy, and armour-defence stats to act as modifiers on the character's base stats, rather than as base stats themselves.

Take weapon-damage for example, rather than having weapons with high weapon-damage overshadow the Strength stat by design, it could be implemented in such a way that a character's overall damage potential is the product of weapon-damage multiplied by the Strength stat. Imagine this, a player with 99 Strength wields a Godsword, which has 1713 weapon-damage. In the current system, that 1713 weapon-damage stat completely overshadows the 99 Strength stat, because the current base damage calculation seems to be a simple sum of the two stats. But, imagine if the base damage calculation was replaced with something just a tiny bit more sophisticated, such as: Base Damage = (weapon-damage * 0.5) + Strength + ((Strength * weapon-damage) * 0.01)

Below, are some examples of how that suggested calculation would perform in game.

99 Strength + Godsword = 2651.37 Base Damage
116 Strength (99 Strength+Extreme Strength) + Godsword = 2959.58 Base Damage
50 Strength + Godsword = 1763 Base Damage
1 Strength + Godsword = 874.63 Base Damage
99 Strength + Abyssal Whip = 1100.28 Base Damage
70 Strength + Abyssal Whip = 876.4 Base Damage
116 Strength + Bronze Dagger = 187.52 Base Damage
1 Strength + Bronze Dagger = 25.48 Base Damage

As you can clearly see, my suggested calculation would make both the Strength stat and weapon-damage stat key to high offensive power! The two stats would complement one another, rather than overshadowing one another.

This same basic calculation could be put in place for Base Hit Rating, with Attack (replacing Strength) and weapon-accuracy (replacing weapon-damage) in the calculation. The same goes for Defence stat and Armour stat relationship and Ranged/Magic!

Yes, it's possible that my specific calculation could use tweaking, but the idea behind it is solid!

08-Mar-2013 19:01:06

Painted Celt

Painted Celt

Posts: 2,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tweaking the formula that I provided is quite simple. To make things clearer, I will name some of the variables. Below is the formula without named variables.
Base Damage = (weapon-damage * 0.5) + Strength + ((Strength * weapon-damage) * 0.01)

Now, here is the formula with named variables.
Base Damage = (weapon-damage * equipment-emphasis) + Strength + ((Strength * weapon-damage) * skill-emphasis)

As may already be clear, where the variable named 'equipment-emphasis' is higher, equipment bonuses take a larger role in combat. Where the variable named 'skill-emphasis' is higher, skill level stats take a larger role in combat.

By decreasing both variables together equally in relation to one another, the overall damage potential of players can be decreased without changing the overall emphasis of either aspect of the original formula.

Personally, I think that my formula may be improved by tweaking equipment-emphasis to equal 0.375 and skill-emphasis to equal 0.007. This would bring the overall damage potential of a maxed player a little closer to what currently exists in-game, as seen in the example below. This tweak would also put a bit more emphasis on equipment than my first formula, but only by a slight bit. You will mainly notice that the tweak lowers all base damage results from my original formula.

116 Strength + Godsword = 2149.331 Base Damage
99 Strength + Godsword = 1928.484 Base Damage
50 Strength + Godsword = 1291.925 Base Damage
1 Strength + Godsword = 655.366 Base Damage

For anyone unaware of how the current system seems to work, below are the same examples but using what seems to be the in-game formula.
116 Strength + Godsword = 1829 Base Damage
99 Strength + Godsword = 1812 Base Damage
50 Strength + Godsword = 1763 Base Damage
1 Strength + Godsword = 1714 Base Damage

As you can see, Strength seems to have very little influence in the in-game base damage formula.
[I was later informed that potion boosts have a SLIGHTLY greater effect in-game.]

08-Mar-2013 19:01:22

Painted Celt

Painted Celt

Posts: 2,256 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I also posted in another thread to say what I thought should be done with Dual-Wielding and 2h-Wielding, but that thread is now long gone.

More or less, what I had said was that the best way to make Dual-Wielding distinctly useful was to make weapon setup types (Dual-Wielding, 2h-Wielding, Shielding) have more unique and specialized roles.

In my opinion, Dual-Wielding should focus on area damage attacks, speed (short ability cooldowns), and raw damage boosts (berserk ability). This would make Dual-Wielding clearly desirable for culling large quantities of weak to moderately strong monsters, such as most Slayer task consist of. I also like the idea of Dual-Wielders rushing into the ranks of foes in games like clan wars, to massacre opponents in cramped formations.

As for 2h-Wielding, I think that the focus of these weapons' abilities should be damage by health percentage, high accuracy strikes, lowered enemy stats, Damage-Over-Time, and large amounts of damage with single hits, with most abilities on relatively long cooldowns. These types of abilities would make 2h-Wielding the ideal choice for inflicting large amounts of damage in prolonged fights, as well as for crippling opponents to an extent. This would make 2h-Wielding very desirable for attack-roles at most bosses****'ing, or fighting any monster with a high defense or health stat.

For Shielding, I think that the correct role is already defined in-game, though I think that some things could be tweaked. Shielding should be useful anywhere that one is willing to sacrifice damage for survivability, be that when tanking a boss, enduring a long Slayer task without making supply trips, or taking a defensive role in PVP. I think that Shielding might need some improvement to make it desirable after rejuvinate was put on an extremely long cooldown. Perhaps some sort of Protection Prayer enhancement ability could be added to Shielding? [Continued...]

08-Mar-2013 19:01:38

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