Just looks like more empty promises to me, but hey at least you have finally admitted you were wrong about the EoC being ready, hell it only took you 3 months! I must say that in the 7 or so years I've played runescape, i don't think there has been many years where the community hasn't been promised something along the lines of we will do more about bots, we will do more about keeping you informed. The simple fact remains that you only ever seem to tell us about the things you believe we want to hear.
There was no need for the EoC to turn out how it has, resulting in mass amounts of valuable and long term members leaving the game, as well as being extremely unbalanced, buggy and still not ready. Many people come to forums to tell you how they feel about an update, surely the people who take the time to post about their like OR dislike at an update should be given more respect then those who don't bother. Instead we got referred to as a vocal minority, who's opinions were seamlessly irrelevant because they were not what you guys wanted to hear. If we had been listened to, and the EoC done properly, maybe in another 9 months to a years time, you would have to sit there apologizing for the state which it is in now. An update like this should have been implemented in over time to allow people to get used to and become accustomed to it.
But hey, whats done is done, and the jagex logic remains sound and in tact - implement without proper feedback and Q&A, if we get it right hooray!, if not let the anger in the community build, sit around a table for 3 months thinking how we can say sorry and what freebies and experience we can give players to make then happy again!
23-Jan-2013 14:47:38