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Ddark 624
May Member 2021

Ddark 624

Posts: 621 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just looks like more empty promises to me, but hey at least you have finally admitted you were wrong about the EoC being ready, hell it only took you 3 months! I must say that in the 7 or so years I've played runescape, i don't think there has been many years where the community hasn't been promised something along the lines of we will do more about bots, we will do more about keeping you informed. The simple fact remains that you only ever seem to tell us about the things you believe we want to hear.

There was no need for the EoC to turn out how it has, resulting in mass amounts of valuable and long term members leaving the game, as well as being extremely unbalanced, buggy and still not ready. Many people come to forums to tell you how they feel about an update, surely the people who take the time to post about their like OR dislike at an update should be given more respect then those who don't bother. Instead we got referred to as a vocal minority, who's opinions were seamlessly irrelevant because they were not what you guys wanted to hear. If we had been listened to, and the EoC done properly, maybe in another 9 months to a years time, you would have to sit there apologizing for the state which it is in now. An update like this should have been implemented in over time to allow people to get used to and become accustomed to it.

But hey, whats done is done, and the jagex logic remains sound and in tact - implement without proper feedback and Q&A, if we get it right hooray!, if not let the anger in the community build, sit around a table for 3 months thinking how we can say sorry and what freebies and experience we can give players to make then happy again!

23-Jan-2013 14:47:38



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I personally think the game now, is pretty good. I'm a little frustrated at the fact that you need to have super expensive gear in order to effectively train at certain enemies, or to defeat a certain boss, but I can move past that.

I think I'm alright with SGS and SOF now, and I definitely appreciate you guys releasing them not as often (at least recently). I still think that SOME of the SGS items are little too costly, (example: Dwarven warsuit), but the rest of the stuff is pretty neat, and affordable. I actually enjoy when new content comes out for SGS, because it's cosmetic and entirely my decision to purchase it.

As for new quests, please do consider what a lot of other people are saying in this matter. Although the Tzhaar quest was wonderful, albeit a little short, can you please continue quests in areas that haven't been touched in a while? My suggestions would be to revisit the Elves, Ardougne area, and Morytania (sp?) again. I'd also love to see a new Dwarf quest.

Those are just some of my thoughts. Here's to community involvement and the future of RS, which I hope will be full of positive feeling.

23-Jan-2013 14:47:49



Posts: 1,366 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey MMG, you mentioned in the live stream about a bunch of new PMods soon to come. Are you guys still planing to do this? Been looking forward to seeing a few of my friends that deserve it get it. Any updates on this man?
"It doesn't matter what you've heard, impossible is not a word, it's just a reason, for someone not to try"

23-Jan-2013 14:48:00

Oct Member 2006


Posts: 3,660 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry but what does UGC mean?

In other news.. can you confirm Funorb is dead / or anything going to happen with it? It seems you have answered on a Stellar Dawn question, but not yet any of the Funorb ones.

I think if we just could have a simple confirm that Funorb is left, we could let it rest in peace. :(

Maxed Zarosian skiller & quester

23-Jan-2013 14:48:00

Mis Molly2

Mis Molly2

Posts: 156 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's respectable to see you apologize. I really thought you were just trying to squeeze out the last cent of your players before closing the game. I'm not sure about the rest, but I'll accept the apology if you stay by your word and don't update us constantly about SOF and SGS.

I would appreciate aswel if you don't release into the SGS pets that collect items or spamming items (like the banner), nor release more XP reward items into the SOF. Those are unfair advantages after all. But keep the cosmetics coming. If someone wants to buy them it's their choice and it doesn't harm anyone.

About the EoC: Again, it's nice you admit your mistakes. The EoC was a rushed update and needed more testing. The next time you plan launching a beta for big game updates please allow everyone to take part in it and post feedback, even F2P players. I'm kind of worried about the fact that I read somewhere you were only allowing premium members to access the beta. That could be gamebreaking since the feedback would be reduced to a small portion of the community. Please reconsider this.

And finally, about bots. Although you say you're making progress it doesn't seem like it. Bots are more sophistaced than ever and I see tens of bots at burthorpe joining the game everytime I go there. If you aren't able to deal with them just remove trial accounts. New players have F2P which is basically a trial after all.

Something you haven't mentioned is gambling. I know it's not against the rules unless they scam, but this is a MMORPG, not an online casino. Also, lets face it: the vast majority of rich gambling hosts RWT. It's so easy to fight gambling, just make a rule against it and it will be gone forever in less than a day*

**;DR: Thank you for apoligizing and admitting your mistakes. If you keep your word this year will be great.

23-Jan-2013 14:48:01



Posts: 329 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi Mod Mmg

Firstly I'd like to say, thanks for that read, it's good that you do take into account the players of Runescape (regardless what anyone says.) I have complete faith that you can turn Runescape into something great, once again.. regardless what anyone says, afterall Rome wasn't built in a day!

The community needs to be patient, supportive and most off all give feedback! otherwise how else are the developers going to improve things the way you want! People are moaning about these micro-payments as being another way of Jagex draining our money... Really!? what is wrong with that, their still a company that needs to make money and we are not forced to buy runecoins / spins.. it is just an option although their should be fewer SOF and SGS updates but I was glad to see that Jagex won't update these on their own without being accompanied with a more player based update.

EoC was a great update, and imo there is still a LOT of improvements to be made, there are still over powered monsters, one to the shock of being a double agent (lvl 170!) from a level 3 clue scroll, must of took me 5 minutes with ****tant miss hits even with prayer and overloads. Runescape is still quite laggy and sometimes extremely laggy which as you say the money from SGS and SoF is being used to benefit the infrastructure of Jagex whether it is new servers to more employees aslong as it is being used to benefit Runescape for all players alike then there is no reason to complain.

I do not know what you're plans are as far as it concerns armour and weapons but have you not realised that having weapon stats based on levels will eventually reach a dead end? Just say you do bring a level 99 weapon and armour along with level 95? what happens then? You may be able to release different Level 99 equipment but they will all have the same stats and therefore the newer released level 99 equipment will be nothing more then a preference just like item skins you can get from SGS.

23-Jan-2013 14:48:15



Posts: 329 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I’d also like to add that maybe the only way round this will be to bring out level 120 skills or to add set abilities to all full armour sets such as barrows as that way you can wear different same level armour for a certain task or boss that will benefit you the most. One last thing I’d like to mention is combat (something people still complain about) I for one don’t mind the new combat system, it can be enjoyable but at the same time can get quite tedious and make it feel much longer especially on those slayer tasks of 200-300 kills. With whats been said it came to mind about a permanent momentum if you will, in which when the ability bar is minimised you hit as if you activated the momentum ability, just like old combat! And the good thing with this it still won’t be quite cut out to kill bosses as effectively this way yet for people *anting to do slayer and maybe even minigames such as castle wars, as cwars is chaos in the Castle wars world with being pilled on, having to look at your lp’s and using your abilities at the same time, either that or I just don’t have the speed to eat, use abilities, pray appropriately, change armour and move if necessary.

I hope some of my points will be took into account atleast have my message read.


23-Jan-2013 14:48:23

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