Jagex you have the best game destroyed thanks to eoc ...
now it's like all the other games ...
Soger mod argus has seen no more future at rs and has canceled
JAGEX RUNESCAPE IS DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS EOC -.-
"The wilderness is dead content for quite a while, and I'm not the only one who dislikes seeing it that way."
I'm not sure exactly where this sits in this years content schedule but I do know one of the other usages of the new UGC system was the revival of the wilderness with player generated battlefields
You claim Runescape is dead...no you wish it was dying so Jagex would be willing to listen to you and undo their changes. You feel hurt because you didn't want these changes and so now you're pouting like a little kid and shouting helplessly about it. GROW UP! Runescape won't be dying any time soon so if you have nothing positive to say, no constructive feedback...STOP POSTING and let the rest of us enjoy ourselves.
(By the way..if you attempt to reply to this in argument or even just to call me names...you only prove my point.)