My thoughts on new runescape and the eoc mostly
I personally like the eoc's idea of adding special moves for everbody and that it adds a new element to combat, however I am not a big fan of the new levelling system. I have been playing runescape for a reasonablly long time and have always liked how the levelling system worked, because when you look at and all powerful demon that fought in the God wars, you want to see his high level and cower in his might. I realise that most creatures are still very powerful, but I just don't like that player levels are all so close to bigger creatures levels. Even though it was possible to do such things as solo the Corp beast it was still fun to see how big and mighty he was, but now at level 210 it doesn't have the same feeling to it. with the levelling system cooped up to 1-230ish many monsters don't have unique combat levels, like when you used to look at the god wars bosses it was cool to see that some(Kree'arra) were not as strong as others(kril). The other thing that bothers me is small things like the kbd being a lower level than normal black dragons and fortress guards of the black knight fortress being stronger than the black knights themselves. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but since playing runescape last in 2010, I just find it very hard to decide what is a threat and what is not.
I could be entirely wrong, but these are just my thoughts and the things which have been bothering me ever since I started playing this game again!
Thank you Jagex I hope you understand What I am trying to say and if you already thought about all of this and decided it didn't matter or is a good thing that is fine.
02-Mar-2013 12:35:40