dear mod mmg and whole jagex team
i got something to say its verry dissepointing and you dont think about the other 40% of runescape that loved runescape (2) sush as me i played since 2002 i almost had range 99 and str i trained so hard i loved the runescape (2) so much
and you know i only bought a pc for 600 euro only for runescape and now jagex team screwed the combat up and the wildy and deleted special attack ancient magics is useless storm of armadyl is almost useless i bought dragon claws for 12mil now its only 1mil worth whip is only 300k worth and godswords are useless i lost really much on food i bought for bosses and armour
let me explain my money i got 344mil before eoc and now with eoc only 120mil let me say u bankrobbed me this is the biggest mistake jagex ever made i say to the whole jagex community make a new server like classic runescape make a runescape (2) server and lets say if we switch to that copy all our names and stuff without the dual handed weapons and the things that is maked for eoc and make 2 different bank numbers one for the eoc with the same stuff and on runescape (2) also the same stuff without the stuff what is maked for the eoc and if i take my bandos arm off the bank on runescape (2) it also will apears on my backpack on the eoc but i take a dual handet weapon on the eoc in my backpack and i log in on runescape (2) it dont apears in my backpack
and also my rapier is useless now dragon longsword is now almost the same
i can live with the money change and money lost but i beg u bring special back and runescape (2) and the normal hits like 100 or 555
u will make alot of money because u bring like 40,000+ players back with this
and i say this to jagex team i know u loose money with eoc update think also on the other poeple that played this game before the eoc and give us a other server with the same updates except the updates that,s for eoc thank you and do something with it this was a old player that hates runescape now bye.
24-Jan-2013 16:50:28