
What's Coming & What's Going

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Victor Marte

Victor Marte

Posts: 15,495 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anyhoo, I've heard this message before, and I don't believe a word of it. Jagex constantly says they listen to players. If they truly listened to the players, we would not have EOC, Soloman, or SOF. Jagex says Soloman and SOF are helping the game, when in reality, they are making us LOYAL vets quit. This game won't last long sadly, I am sure of it. I give it about 2 more years before we start seeing a daily 10k-30k players online.

I've been on these forums for years, and one thing I learned, NEVER listen to messages like this from Jagex.

23-Jan-2013 13:51:08 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 13:52:00 by Victor Marte

Eddy Razor
Feb Member 2008

Eddy Razor

Posts: 901 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At first I was suspicious of the micro payments, but you explained it on a video diary, and since then I've been spending loads of money.
I still don't like the game card deals. From buying them for promotional items I especially wanted, and sometimes ******* up and buying the wrong card, or the right card from the wrong place, I must be paid up at least 9 months ahead. Otherwise I would have gone for the gold star deal. Perhaps this could be a regular annual event, because having to go out and buy a (hopefully the correct) card (from hopefully the right place) is a real drag.

I love eoc, but enchanted bolts are now unavailable to lower level players who probably need them most. As far as I can see they have ceased to be much use at all. I suppose that makes the dwarves happy.
Also a lot of lovely eccentric spells have been done away with, couldn't you have made them polychromatic or something? I liked the prayers that were exclusive to certain wands. Perhaps crumble undead could be specific to void mace to give that weapon a purpose (I remember it was once the only weapon that could autocast that spell, which made it something special and worth having). I think the nature of mageing, as described in literature, justifies a complex range of options.
And I can't use my quest reward: the karambwan poisoned rune spear. I think there is a case for making karambwan weapon poison permanent as it is only used on spears.
Prayer and potions have been seriously nerfed. Perhaps prayer drain could be slowed to compensate for the reduced effectiveness. I fear herb law needs a complete overhaul.
Bring back disease, it made some monsters an interesting challenge. I fought some Scarabites recently and they didn't even poison me: very boring, but perhaps I was just lucky.
In many ways eoc combat is less interesting than the old method.

Good going with the bots. I'm pleased that player reporting is mostly to highlight areas. I would hate to be responsible for a wrongful ban.

23-Jan-2013 13:51:26

Haa Haa Jink
Oct Member 2009

Haa Haa Jink

Posts: 6,602 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This post is really promising. I hope these are kept too - there have, and I'm sure you'll admit, been promises Jagex has made in the past that have been broken.

My opinion on micro-payments had kind of died out. You have FINALLY admitted that they are "necessary" and that kind of put a full stop on my protest that I once did. I think the Squeal could use a bit of a hammer to take off some of the OP items on there, but Solomon never bothered me too much. In fact the only thing that bothered me was the consistent spam that was shoved down our throats every week, but I've already seen an improvement in that.

I'll say it straight out, it frustrates me to no end that the RS community are, sadly, angry people who hate it when you guys delete an oak tree. Have you noticed this game has "died" about 7 times in the past 4 years? Doesn't really make sense. I wanted to assure you that these people who threaten to quit, rage at you, flame you, spam dislike the youtube vids because they think it will make them happy, are NOT representative of your player base. These are people who, sadly, ruin my game experience.

I feel Jagex gets a lot of hate but I have never felt they don't try - and it's posts like these that remind me that they are committed to keep trying. Sure, they make stupid mistakes, but so do I, a lot. They do TRY. Sometimes they get it so right and others they get it spectacularly wrong.

In summary, I'd like to see more of these communicative posts that remind the players they are listening and keeps us posted of what's happening. Admitting to your mistakes is my favourite quality, and how you have done that here, whilst sticking up for yourself, is something I love to see.

And, ** the way, I've played since 2006ish. And I love the EOC.
So this '06 Veteran rubbish is a load of nonsense.

Thanks Jagex. Keep up the good work!
PS: I've been training EVERYTHING in preparation for this new quest coming. Can't wait.

23-Jan-2013 13:51:28

Nath x
Dec Member 2023

Nath x

Posts: 438 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey guys, You'd actually be surprised by the amount of time and effort that goes into making the great content that goes into the games Jagex produces.
And with a game like runescape, it will never be perfect as it is changing all the time, all you need to do is adapt to the game in its current state and you may actually enjoy it :)

If not, stick with the community, as its all about the gaming experience.

Join me and other friends in Mod Mark's FC! Go W00ters!

23-Jan-2013 13:51:44

Alfred Benji
Aug Member 2008

Alfred Benji

Posts: 391 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey MMG and Jagex, its nice to see that in 2013 the community will have a voice and legacy. In truth I have played this game since 2004, and I can say hand on heart it is the only game that has a community that is so damn passionate about the game and what happens to it. Thats what breaths life into runescape. I am also very proud to say that you guys do a fantastic job at jagex, and I feel at times, you get a bit of stick from us players too. And I understand that this isn't *air because I know you guys are always doing your best to try and make the game future proof, fun and exciting. On behalf of the community I would like to apologize. I can see now why the SOF and SGS were needed and also the EOC. This game has always been about change and innovation and long may it stay that way.

I can't wait for 2013 and I hope. No. I know, that your planning some amazing things this year and I can't wait to see what. VIVA LA RUNESCAPE.

P.S Bring Zaros back! My Lord is ever so lonely in his parallel dimension.

23-Jan-2013 13:51:51 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 13:53:41 by Alfred Benji



Posts: 974 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am very excited about runescape in 2013, i even bought the 12 months the first time because in the end of the year i had the feeling that this year will be the year that worth be in runescape :p

Mod mmg, any near plans to take down the gold farmers (*root of all evil*) and gabling? this is tearing the economy that some years ago used to be in it's best...
Also, it'd be great to have slayer skill updated, we almost get nothing from it anymore...

23-Jan-2013 13:52:22 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2013 14:48:34 by Sasqe

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 230 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In other words, we all need to give jagex a break. I myself am guilty of questioning their tactics when it comes to the development of this game. The EOC is awesome and, while there are some things that need to be worked out, it is an amazing update and we all need to realize that it takes a lot of work to make such huge changes to this game. Everyone (myself included) might need to take a step back and think about the fact that this game wouldn't be here if it wasn't for jagex, and it can't be easy! so lets all just give them a break. I for one am going to be patient and stick around, because I trust 100% that you will get everything sorted out, and continue to make this game even more amazing.

You guys are doing a great job. I'm glad to hear you're going to be more focused on listening to your players, although remember you can't make everyone happy, there will always be people upset with change.

I understand a lot of decisions that you guys make from a business sense, I just don't want runescape to end up like one of those games with a cash store and everyone who pays irl money has a huge advantage over other players.

As far as the recent updates, the festive aura was awesome, saved me a ton training prayer, got me to train up a few other skills that have long needed it, the player owned ports is pretty cool so far, and I can't wait to see future updates!

Keep up the good work, don't get discouraged and thank you for the amazing game that we all love!

23-Jan-2013 13:53:05

Mod Murray

Mod Murray

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@Snow Lilly – page 2

Lost Items – from Glitches.

We appreciate that sometimes a glitch has caused players to lose items, we know how frustrating this can be and when we’ve been absolutely certain it’s happened we’ve replaced the items, which in itself is a difficult process for us to perform currently.

Our identification of item loss and item replacement systems are not where they need to be . It’s an incredibly difficult task to trawl through one persons account and the systems don’t always tell us what we need to know – quite simply they need an overhaul – in the past we’ve prioritised game updates over things like this as the work to do it comes from the same team but we have agreed to include this as part of 2013 plans as like you we totally recognise its importance.

23-Jan-2013 13:54:29

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