The SOF and SGS wouldn't be "essential to the growth and prosper of Runescape" if you would actually put out content people want and asked for... Did anyone actually say they wanted the EOC? Even auras and the whole loyalty system? No, yet they were done anyway. What I DO remember seeing is people wanting a belt slot, dual wielding, new bosses, etc.
People are quitting because as a company, you are deaf to your community's wants and needs and people lose hope and faith in your abilities. You wouldn't need terrible micro transaction cover ups to compensate you own revenue loss because YOU screwed up if you still had the vast player base of years past. However people will not come back until the game is returned to the experience that it once was.
So until I visit the homepage and see the player counter go above about 90k on any given day compared to how many used to play, I want to hear nothing about the blatant lies about "growth" you enjoy spewing to cover you own mistakes.
You partnered with a company that will bleed you dry, now you accept the consequences.
RIP RS of 2006 and back...
24-Jan-2013 20:03:33