If that thing at jagex doesn't work out you could always fall back on your writing skills, assuming you wrote that yourself MMG.
I like the words and meaning behind them as usual, and I do believe the people at Jagex have the right overall intentions even if sometimes* you kinda suck at the execution.
I did notice there was a bit of a change with this post, in that you admitted quite a few places where you guys think you've messed up over the past year. I'm encouraged particularly with your statements about promotions and SoFscape - I don't think I need to elaborate on those.
One thing I will add on top of everything you've listed is that your turnaround times are a bit sluggish when dealing with feedback. In some cases where you may truly be listening and accepting specific feedback, it can be a long time before the changes are implemented which can further the feeling that you were ignoring it in the first place. I understand there are limits as to how fast some things can be changed, but I feel like dealing with annoyances that are currently in the game (although not something as big as the botting issues) should be prioritized a little higher and dealt with a little sooner. I don't have specific examples at the moment, sorry.
23-Jan-2013 18:31:05