@ Going4Quests
Q) Hey Mod MMG, Are there any plans on Funorb?
A) I do have longer terms plans for a revitalisation of the service, refresh of the games, new games as well as extension to mobile games but the reality is the earliest we could do this would be in 2014 as this year is about laser focus on RuneScape.
I'm not sure if this exact question has been asked but will you please let the community know what areas Bot Watch has already been activated? And let us know the effect it has on the bots in those areas - It would be good to know.
Also, on the side - our hard earned stuff and legacy type stuff and stuff: Dragonfire Shield. All I need to say
Recipe of Disaster 2: Revenge of the Culinaromancer.
That would be a perfect 200th quest, though I doubt you guys are that far into the quest development seeing as how you put so much time and effort into the one you've got planned next.
" 'The wilderness is dead content for quite a while, and I'm not the only one who dislikes seeing it that way.'
I'm not sure exactly where this sits in this years content schedule but I do know one of the other usages of the new UGC system was the revival of the wilderness with player generated battlefields"
NO!!! THERE ARE NOT ALOT OF PEOPLE WHO DISLIKE IT. There is a much greater call to make the wilderness a non PvP zone than there is to fix it. You few remaining PK'ers: Stop trying to relive your pvp glory days: THEY ARE OVER! The wilderness should once again be a place for revs to roam.