Oh, and another really important thing. You destroyed an entire class all on its own in this game- PURES.
Your whole excuse for destroying them was because their CB level was deceiving for how lethal they were. Who gives a damn, people will play a game however they want. There is no rule book on how to level up, there is no rule book on what set up to use, etc etc.
The new CB system is GARBAGE. We went from 126 to 138, and BOOM, straight to 200. You are all out of your damn minds. You work so hard to make this game "fair" that you degrade it in the process. I've never had a pure account, but really Jagex, you've made some of the most idiotic moves in this game in the past year.
And the best thing is, you want to know? Is that you won't reverse any of it. Because IVP has you wrapped around their finger. You'll think up more colorful language and fabricate polls to show how "successful" this game is.
Another point. Just the fact you boast 200m accounts when EVERYONE knows is a farce, is PATHETIC.
24-Jan-2013 22:57:57