@ PestLordXian
Although real money is not 'technically' being staked, you can't deny that gold does have a significant dollar value attached to it. This is the whole reason that goldfarming and gamblings exists in RuneScape - because the people who take advantage of it are creating huge profits for themselves and making REAL LIFE CASH.
I personally have online friends who have been heavily involved in this business in the past and made absurd amounts of money. One of my good friends had his main banned back when the Crucible & Duel Arena max cash dupe occured, and he made well over $50,000 USD before he was banned.
So you may argue that it is just pixels and therefore it cannot be considered real gambling, but you are wrong. It IS real gambling, and real money is shifting hands constantly in that community. Gambling is helping to fuel many of the illicit activities that are ruining the game and therefore it needs to be removed just as badly as the bots do.
23-Jan-2013 18:46:39