I think it should have been a clue when the beta servers were so unused. The betas went from at least 5 to 2? Simply, the game went from one game to another with untold amounts of untested content, with a huge player base showing no interest whatsoever in a change. In my opinion, it became a hybrid of 2 different gamestyles, which brings us to the current problem. Second issue, the wild. What brought the players to the game, and kept them there in the early days, was the wild. I had the honor of being in Runescape Dinasty, which gave me a bird's eye view of what transpired in the clanworld at the time of the EOC launch. We closed on 1/23/13, with many players who had played over 10 years on our member list. Those clans, many of them with historically pulls over 100 (money for you, Jagex) had massive amounts of people leaving the game for other games which are pk based. It has changed the entire game balance, "my friends quit, so I will quit". I challenge Jagex to meet with those early clan leaders who know this game in and out BEFORE another fix happens that causes even more damage. Restore the wild, and bring back those loyal players en mass. I'm sure they would be glad to give simple suggestions that would help restore Runescape to the game and bring back the community we love. Don't misunderstand me, there are hundreds that would return. Move before its too late.
03-Feb-2013 14:37:47