Mod MMG and Jagex staff how can this even be said, your game has been sky falling now since 2008/2009, ever since then its gone down hill. You've always used us as your bug testers, its so stupid alot of the bugs that come out because you don't have an Alpha Test.. Most of the posts i've read up to page 30 are all in the same..
When do you plan to get rid of the damn gamblers, when do you plan to fix bots, more importantly when do you plan to actually get EoC right. Honestly so many of your players walk each and everyday because it's the same old sh*t no community, no people, just gambling, bots and dg for money, can't forget that last one.
When will your game be a challenge? I miss those days where it actually took some work to get a 99. Not turn on some pornovid and fap, or go afk with your finger in your ass. Sorry to be blunt but this games so dumb now, 99's are nothing special now, you can't even look at being maxed and be proud just look at all the people who have to go exp wh*ring just to feel like they've done an accomplishment.
The funny part is about the last line of the last paragraph is how you and your staff ass kiss them because they sit in front of a PC all day/night ruining their lives for your stupid game, and what do they get from you? Free membership so they can continue it, you support people messing up their lives for your game which offers virtually nothing good anymore, sad.
The worst part is, you listen to all these newf*** opinions and ideas, meanwhile your front page looks like horse sh*t with its constant SOF / Solomans store crap. What about all the vets? Don't they have a say, they paid your salary, or not your salary because you're a newf*g working for JaGeX.
Sorry to make such a long post of rant/rave but Jesus Christ, will you and your no brain staff get it together and put the game back together so it's playable again, and if you can't do us all a favor and SHUT DOWN, not milk money from newf*** with this cosmetic item crap.
10-Feb-2013 15:20:59