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Quick find code: 294-295-157-64458186



Posts: 300 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay so im back,, to checkout the eoc.
So its not entirely fair to older members and it has many drawbacks.. The main ones being some hard won quest Items now fail.
But the eoc did make me return so maybe its not entirely useless.. although i returned as I knew someone who claimed to help make the EOC.
Im actually surprised at how fun this game is .. after so many years of absence its really progressed alot and 10 years ago you'd have forgiven me for thinking that this game wouldnt have had such a longevity.

Good points this game has : broad spectrum of player base you will find nearly every gender and age base play this game... this fact is truly remarkable.

Bad points this game has : the graphics are outdated polygonally weak and generally poorly programmed ... its one of the few games that crashes on my computer... it never used to.

Keep up the good work.. and consider fixing some quest items

09-Feb-2013 23:28:46

Rogue Twist
Nov Member 2023

Rogue Twist

Posts: 180 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the about the thread mod mark or who ever posted

you say you gonna listen to us this year more like sell me more rubbish and shove sof and solemen rubbish down my throat i dont see any changes happening this year personal but if you care to listen to us that would be great and we ask for the following things which you do nothing about

-remove gambling
-remove miro rubbish
-add pre eoc severs

none this will happened because before you didnt listen to us but now you do sort this out i know your listen

dont lock it move or tell me why your locking it im dissuing the issues addressed you mods just lock w/e this isnt spam this what the player wont and this what mod mark said to dissuse so like say why your locking it rather annoying

10-Feb-2013 01:24:23



Posts: 15,772 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"But the eoc did make me return so maybe its not entirely useless.. although i returned as I knew someone who claimed to help make the EOC.
Im actually surprised at how fun this game is .. after so many years of absence its really progressed alot and 10 years ago you'd have forgiven me for thinking that this game wouldnt have had such a longevity"

Well drunk, I think you have a differing opinion than many. "Fun" is a perception. Personally defined by the individual.

I don't find the eoc particularly "fun", though some of the animations are entertaining. I don't find it difficult to figure out and having been on many other games these last 2+ years, I found the learning curve to be about 30 seconds. The abilities bar/action bar (or whatever anyone wants to call it) is present in many other games (though its' function seems less in RS3) and (for me) adds absolutely nothing to the cb in the game.

I find it -does- make slayer tasks take considerably longer than past years have.. what with splashing often, and being hit more (regardless of armour I choose to use). For me personally.. the eoc eliminated the interest I had in doing slayer tasks.. at all.

It's certainly a "change".. but I wouldn't call it "progress". "Progress" implies "improvement" and "improvement" suggests that either jagex are making more money because of it.. or the player base is somehow "happier" because of it.

Neither seems to be the case.. in which case I'd have to ask what your definition of "progress" actually is.. and if you understand that it's all perspective?

Each person is going to "enjoy" it, or not.. and the end result seems to have landed jagex squarely back to the beginning of this "progress" (elsewise, why would they be considering pre-eoc servers, if they actually are).

Bringing back a pre-eoc server doesn't mean eoc failed.. but I don't think jagex can see that yet.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" -Martin Luther King Jr.

10-Feb-2013 02:27:35



Posts: 158 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Now this is what I've been waiting for. Finally, A Jmod admitting (in regards to EoC) that they really screwed things up in the way that everything was executed. I get that EoC is here to stay (and in turn the declination of my interest in this game), but I really respect and appreciate that they've finally admitted their mistake. Only now are you okay in my book, JaGeX. Glad you could finally man up and realize/speak the truth.

10-Feb-2013 04:34:37



Posts: 183 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It was Albert Einstein who said “anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” The Evolution of Combat was new territory for all of us

- Mod MMG

i.e. EOC was a big mistake.

10-Feb-2013 10:05:03



Posts: 2,019 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod MMG and Jagex staff how can this even be said, your game has been sky falling now since 2008/2009, ever since then its gone down hill. You've always used us as your bug testers, its so stupid alot of the bugs that come out because you don't have an Alpha Test.. Most of the posts i've read up to page 30 are all in the same..

When do you plan to get rid of the damn gamblers, when do you plan to fix bots, more importantly when do you plan to actually get EoC right. Honestly so many of your players walk each and everyday because it's the same old sh*t no community, no people, just gambling, bots and dg for money, can't forget that last one.

When will your game be a challenge? I miss those days where it actually took some work to get a 99. Not turn on some pornovid and fap, or go afk with your finger in your ass. Sorry to be blunt but this games so dumb now, 99's are nothing special now, you can't even look at being maxed and be proud just look at all the people who have to go exp wh*ring just to feel like they've done an accomplishment.

The funny part is about the last line of the last paragraph is how you and your staff ass kiss them because they sit in front of a PC all day/night ruining their lives for your stupid game, and what do they get from you? Free membership so they can continue it, you support people messing up their lives for your game which offers virtually nothing good anymore, sad.

The worst part is, you listen to all these newf*** opinions and ideas, meanwhile your front page looks like horse sh*t with its constant SOF / Solomans store crap. What about all the vets? Don't they have a say, they paid your salary, or not your salary because you're a newf*g working for JaGeX.

Sorry to make such a long post of rant/rave but Jesus Christ, will you and your no brain staff get it together and put the game back together so it's playable again, and if you can't do us all a favor and SHUT DOWN, not milk money from newf*** with this cosmetic item crap.

10-Feb-2013 15:20:59

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