Another thing about EoC many players dislike/hate is the ability bar itself and how it interferes with normal chatting in game (you must either click into the chat field or hit enter to open the chat option which can be very bothersome), many are very unhappy about the un-necessary inconvenience.
Yet another drawback is our spellbook, I myself am very displeased with the nerf to my spell book as it over complicates something that used to be so simple to use.
Combat level, I liked my previous LOWER combat level, I was not happy that with so many of my combat stats so low that I should be so high a combat level. One of my characters has 55 defense and 77 mage (trained mostly using non-combat related spells) making my pre-EoC level 72 into a post EoC level 134. I prided myself on the fact that my lowly level 72 character had over 200+ quest points and those were all obtained BEFORE my character hit the half way point in combat level (level 63 being half of the then max level of 126 BEFORE summoning was introduced bumping max level to 138). This player combat level nerf that changed the calculations for combat level devalued what was a very hard accomplishment. I worked very hard to kill such high level monsters and tough bosses at such a low combat level.
Also, the new way to calculate combat levels do little to show overall killing ability. If someone levels ALL combat skills equally they can "hide" their enhanced killing ability behind a much lower combat level than that of a player that may lets say prefer range or mage combat and not put much effort into their melee skills. take for instances someone that levels ALL combat skills to 85, that would make their combat level 172 and another that likes range best, levels his range and defense to 99 while hardly touching his other combat skills making his combat level 200. Chances are that level 200 would get owned by that level 172. How is that appropriate representation of killing power?
03-Feb-2013 20:48:55